Update record 2004-2009
Jun. 03 - Information: The 2009 World Conference
Against A&H Bombs
- Let Us Make 2009 World Conference
a Springboard to Create a Worldwide Groundswell
for Nuclear Weapons Abolition toward 2010
- Program of the 2009 World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs (Provisional)
Sep. 05 - New signature campaign started : "Toward the 2010 NPT Review ConferenceAppeal for a Nuclear Weapon-Free World "
July 05 - "Toward a Nuclear Weapon-free World: Responsibility of the Nuclear Weapons States and Japan's Role" in 'Challenging G8: International Symposium for a Peaceful and Just World' (Sapporo)
Apr. 09 - Statement to the 2nd Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2010 NPT Review Conference
Apr. 09 -Request to the Japanese Government
on the Occasion of Convening the G8 Toyako Summit
Mar. 17 - For a Nuclear Weapon-Free, Peaceful and Just World:
Information on the 2008 World Conference against
Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs
Mar. 13 - No More Hiroshimas! Vol.51 No.1:
We Call for a gGlobal Action Campaign for a Nuclear Weapon-Free Worldh Toward 2010
Dec. 28 - 2007 World Conference against A & H Bombs: Documents
Oct. 20 - Website:Voices of Survivors from Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Sep. 06 - 2007 World Conference against A & H Bombs: Declaration of the International Meeting
Aug. 28 - 2007 World Conference against A & H Bombs: Declarations and Resolutions
Aug. 09 - 2006 World Conference against A & H Bombs; Declaration of the International Meeting
Jan. 27 - MESSAGES FROM MAYORS to the signature campaign
Jan. 15 - Signature campaign "For the Swift Abolition of Nuclear Weapons" started.
You can download the english signature form above or sign on the web.
We are waiting for your support and endorsement.
Aug. 04 - Declaration of the International Meeting
&H Bombs 60 Years since the Atomic Bombing: Time to Develop Actions and Cooperation for a Nuclear Weapon-Free, Peaceful, Just World International Meeting >> Declaration(PDF)
Aug. 02 - International Meeting: 2005 World Conference against A & H Bombs August 2-4, Hiroshima: Speaker's matter Click Here
July 29 - Schedule & Program(Provisional) : 2005 World Conference against A & H Bombs Click here PDF:Click here
May 30 - "Dear President Sergio Duarte" Click here Speech at May 1 Rally :Hiroshi TAKA, Secretary General, Japan Council against A and H Bombs Click here
April 05 - We call for your support for and participation in the 2005 World Conference against A & H Bombs
April 05 - Call for your participation in the "International Youth Rally: Let Us Get Rid of Nuclear Weapons"
March 10 - 2005 ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE JAPAN COUNCIL AGAINST ATOMIC AND HYDROGEN BOMBS (GENSUIKYO) i n S hizuoka, Japan, February 28th, 2005[Delegates speaches are uploaded]
Jan. 07 - New linked site. World wide network anti-nuclear weapons of which Gensuikyo is a member.
Sep. 15 - Speech of general secretary of Gensuikyo at the National Conference of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament-UK
Sep. 13 - Introducing the Japan Council against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs (Japan Gensuikyo)
Aug. 19 - World Conference 2004 Program and Documents
April 09 - Plans and Massages for World Conference
May 26 - A protest against a nuclear subcriminal test by US goverment
May 19 - the spanish signature form is uploaded.
April 28 - <Urgent Need for World Peace> Statement on the 3rd Preparatory Committee Meeting for the 2005 NPT Review Conference
April 28 - The 2004 great peace march to Hiroshima starts on May 6!! 2004 Peace March(Japanese)
April 04 - Protest to Mr. SAKAGUCHI Chikara, Minister of Health and Labor Statement on the Tokyo District Court Ruling of Azuma A-Bomb Lawsuit Excerpts from the text of the Tokyo District Court Ruling on the Azuma A-Bomb Lawsuit