May 4, 2005
H.E. Mr. Sergio Duarte
President of the 7th Review Conference of the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Dear President Sergio Duarte,
With great pleasure, we are presenting to you, and through
you to the 7th NPT Review Conference, the signatures representing
the desire of the human race for a nuclear weapon-free world.
The Appeal: "Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, Now - Let
there be No More Hiroshimas and No More Nagasakis" was
launched in August 2003 by the World Conference against Atomic
and Hydrogen Bombs". Supported by the global network
of NGOs "Abolition Now", the effort to collect signatures
for this appeal has spread worldwide.
The total number of the signatures presented here is 5,038,108,
of which 3,878,108 were brought to this Review Conference
by over 800 Japanese delegates, and another 1,160,000 signatures
were submitted to the Japanese Diet on April 13, this year.
This campaign of building up public support for nuclear disarmament
will continue during the Review Conference and beyond toward
the 60th anniversary the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
this coming August.
The Appeal has also been signed by 935 Japanese governors
and mayors, and 556 chairpersons of local assemblies, representing
some 50% of all the 2,464 (as of April 11, 2005) Japanese
local governments. We herewith submit their signatures as
part of all the signatures collected.
On behalf of all the signers, we urge this conference and
all the governments, including those that are not parties
to NPT, to agree on and start working on the following measures:
- All nuclear weapons states refrain from the use, threat
of use or development of new nuclear weapons, and set about
implementing the obligation of abolishing their nuclear arsenals;
- All governments start taking action to set out an international
treaty totally banning and eliminating nuclear weapons.
For the delegation and all who have appended their signatures,
Shoji SAWADA Hiroshi TAKA
Representative Director Secretary General
Speech at May 1 Rally
Hiroshi TAKA, Secretary General,
Japan Council against A and H Bombs
Dear friends,
Greetings of solidarity form the Japanese anti-nuclear movement,
More than 800 people in our delegation came here from Japan
to join you in your historic action today. As part of our
preparation, we have collected millions of signatures in support
of an international call for "Abolition of Nuclear Weapons,
Now". We have collected over 5,038,108 signatures as
you see here. These include 935 mayors and 556 local assembly
leaders, which represent about 50% of the total number of
the Japanese municipalities.
The US leaders say that the nuclear proliferation alone is
the problem, but that their weapons enhance security. We no
longer accept this kind of lie. Of all NPT members, only five
countries posses nuclear weapons; only two countries possess
more than 30,000 nuclear weapons, enough to annihilate the
entire human race many times over; and only one country deploys
these weapons overseas and is ready to use them anytime. If
they really believe that the proliferation is a danger, they
should work to ban these weapons, totally and immediately.
The Japanese government is also a problem. Its leaders say
that Japan should play greater role in the international community.
But while refusing to face its own past crime of aggression,
supporting the illegitimate attack on Iraq and even sending
armed forces in violation of the peace Constitution, and while
starting scrapping the Constitution itself, how can they really
be trusted on earth? If they want to be trusted, they should
switch the course to respect for Article 9 and keep to pledge
to renounce war as means to resolve conflicts. It should break
away from the US "nuclear umbrella", and tell President
Bush that he should honor the "unequivocal undertaking"
of eliminating all nuclear arsenals.
It will soon be the 60th year of the A-bombing of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki. Let us make it an important opportunity to develop
actions worldwide for finally ridding the humankind of the
danger of nuclear annihilation. We hereby send you an open
invitation to join us in the 2005 World Conference against
A and H Bombs, which will take place on Aug. 2-9 in the two
cities. Through our steady grassroots actions in solidarity,
let us open a new page in the human history. /c