



友人のみなさん、今日ここ(   )でみなさんと一緒に平和行進に参加できて感謝でいっぱいです。ご招待ありがとうございます。平和な世界を目指す兄弟姉妹のみなさんに歓迎いただき胸を熱くしています。















Sofia Wolman

American Friends Service Committee



It is with deep appreciation that I stand with you here in *name of city*, and I thank you for your invitation.  The welcome in Japan is warm among my brothers and sisters working for a more peaceful world.

As a U.S. American, I stand before you both deeply shamed at the giant obstacles to peace that are so common between our countries, and emboldened by the commitment to peace and justice that we share across borders.

First, I carry with me an understanding of the heavy burden placed on my country for the atrocities committed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and also for the violence and injustice on which the United States was built and that it continues to perpetrate and profit from.  While President Obama promised *Change *and *Hope*, in fact his Administrations have deeper entrenched U.S. imperial policies that rest on the disenfranchisement of people within the U.S. and around the world, and exacerbate, rather than quell, tensions and conflicts.

While the U.S. lacks 21st century infrastructure, quality schools, and sufficient food, housing, medical, and childcare programs, our tax dollars are being spent largely on the U.S. military, on arming our police, on deporting millions of immigrants, and on building jails and prisons that reflect incredible discrimination against men and women of color.

The ever-increasing militarism to which we are expected to adapt – and that we are imposing – and the ingrained profitability of such policies are critical to understanding how we must act to eliminate war and to increase justice worldwide.

The U.S. development and use of military drone technologies that terrorize communities, its hundreds of bases that undermine peoples’ sovereignty, its use of the atomic bomb in 1945, and its continued insistence on a right to these weapons – these are just a few examples of an incredibly belligerent, imperial government.  Of course, such belligerence is found also in the

U.S. support for Prime Minister Abe, whose assault on the Japanese Constitution is a great offence to those whose lives have been lost to war and to the democratic nature of the government.

So, we are up against huge challenges.  My comrades who experience daily the violence of such policies are much better qualified than I to speak to the steadfastness and the incredible determination that is required when at the front-lines of these struggles.

But we heard last year in Nagasaki the calls and expectations to affect the 2015 NPT Review, and I will tell you that we in the U.S. will rise to this occasion, and will use this opportunity, that corresponds also with the 70th-year anniversary of the atomic bombings, to educate the U.S. people on the urgency of nuclear weapons and power abolition, and take to the streets when we make these demands.

I have the great privilege to be in Japan for the second time and to learn from your work – the collection of staggering numbers of petition signatures and the incredible power of this National Peace March that demonstrates the dedication of so many people.  Your knowledge, energy, and experience will be critical as we build power for 2015.

But we cannot do this alone.  In the United States I am involved with a handful of causes – Palestine solidarity work, nuclear disarmament, Move the Money – and we often discuss the absolute necessity of linking between movements.

Staceyann Chin, a poet and activist, said that, “as our activist circles grow, it’s like when a family grows: tensions increase, but there is also opportunity, excitement, and hope in this.”  We must keep this in mind as partnerships and solidarity can, at times, be difficult.  But they are absolutely necessary to achieve our aims.

We must use 2015 to strengthen our ties with the environmental, racial and economic justice, women’s and queer rights, and other focused movements whose goals are to ensure the dignity of all people’s lives.  And we must bring in young people, new generations of activists whose creativity, I think, holds many of the keys to a more peaceful future.

And I believe finally, we must confront head-on the perpetrators that violate basic laws and standards of morality.  Yes, I mean our governments that so shamelessly go against the people’s will.  But I mean also the corporations whose profits are driven by war, over-consumption, ethnic cleansing, and the basic denial of human rights; these companies like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman.  And, of course, we can follow the money trail, as banks and asset managers sustain and profit from these deadly industries.

Friends, we represent the power of the people; it is strong, bold, creative, and fearless when we join together.  I join you as we say No More Hiroshimas!  No More Nagasakis!  No More Fukushima!  No More Occupation!  No More Racism!  No More War!!!
