

ニーニョ・マラカステ・デシエルト 平和行進でのあいさつ








青年平和活動家として私はまた、ヤパク(YAPAK, 世代を繋ぐ芸術家の会)のメンバーでもあります。ヤパクはMPPMの加盟組織であり、地域社会の人々に、ミンダナオの平和と正義の諸問題について教育・宣伝活動をすることに力を入れています。私たちはそれを音楽や映像、演劇を通じておこなっています。協力関係にあるミンダナオ青年平和連盟と一緒に、ヤパクは平和コンサート、舞台でのパフォーマンス、デモ行進などを通じて、コミュニティの人々の意識を高める活動をおこなっています。




Message of Nino Malacaste Desierto to the 2014 NATIONAL PEACE MARCH AGAINST A&H BOMBS

Greetings of Peace and Solidarity!

First and foremost, it is a pleasure and honor to be part of the International Peace March Relay of the 2014 National Peace March against A&H Bombs. The worthy cause for nuclear abolition gave me the determination to represent the Mindanao Peoples’ Peace Movement (MPPM) in the Peace March for the Osaka and Hyogo Prefectures. I am grateful for this opportunity to march with peace movements in Osaka and Hyogo Prefectures.

I am moved by the courage and strength of the peace marchers in Japan who persistently struggle in the long march. I guess the history of the march will prove this thought. This act, for sure, will encourage more people in Japan and around the world to always fight for a peaceful existence.

The Mindanao Peoples’ Peace Movement (MPPM) answered the invitation of the 2014 National Peace March for we can relate to your call for abolition of nuclear weapons. Mindanao is nuclear free but we are currently struggling against the exclusivity of the peace process between the government and the armed groups, and the fast-paced privatization of Mindanao natural resources.

Mindanao is known to be a food basket. It has rich resources of vegetation, minerals, and peoples of diverse culture and tradition. It seems that Mindanao is not the food basket anymore after our government allowed rich countries to exploit our natural resources through Public-Private Partnership. There had been rampant mining activities in different parts of Mindanao which resulted to displacement of the local tribes, logging, and moving mountains.

The longtime struggle of the Lumad (indigenous peoples of Mindanao) for their right to self-determination is supported by MPPM. The recent peace process of the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front has progressed without the meaningful and effective participation of indigenous peoples that will result in disregard of their ancestral domain, governance systems, peaceful resolution of conflict, culture and traditional practices.

We are also opposed to the continuing foreign military presence in our country which would increase thru the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA). This was signed during the Obama visit to the Philippines. We believe that this will result in greater participation of the Philippines in wars and military activities of the United States and its allies. This could result in more instability, continuing conflicts between locals and even international rivals resulting in more internally displaced people that will be affected by war. We call for priorities towards education, social services, shelter and health care.

As youth peace advocate, I am also a member of an artists’ group called YAPAK (Bridging Generation of Artists). YAPAK is also part of MPPM. In YAPAK, we continue to focus on providing education and information to the communities regarding the issues of peace and justice in Mindanao. We do this through Music, Visual and Theater Arts. Along with its ally organizations from the Alliance of Mindanao Youth for Peace, YAPAK organizes peace concerts, stage performances and street march as tools for raising awareness and consciousness in the communities.

On behalf of YAPAK and Mindanao Peoples’ Peace Movement, we are in solidarity with you. We will support the National Peace March against A & H Bombs from this moment and onwards. We believe that your struggle is our struggle too. Together, we will conquer every challenge that might come. Together we shout. Together we talk. Together we walk for just peace. No more Hiroshima! No More Nagasaki! No More Fukushima! No more War!

Mabuhay! (meaning Long Live)
