

マラヤ・ファブロス 平和行進でのあいさつ





この思いから、私は原水協に対して、一人が全行程を通し行進する代わりに、何人かの海外青年代表がリレー行進をしてはどうかという提案を送りました。そうすれば世界各国からもっと多くの青年が平和行進に参加するチャンスを得られるし、それぞれの経験を自国の運動やネットワークに持ち帰ってシェアすることができます。私たちの経験したことを行進ブログ www.heiwakoshindesu.wordpress.com で共有するのです。





Email: malayavfabros@gmail.com


Minnasan Konnichiwa.

Greetings of solidarity from the Philippines! It is great to be back in the Peace March. I am happy to see familiar faces from last year even though I was only able to march for half a day through Nara. Sorry for not being able to march from this prefecture & onwards last year. This year, there are many of us trying to complete the International Youth Relay. Thank you very much for your support.

A little update about the Philippines: First: the Philippine government signed the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreementwith the US allowing its military forces, once again, to establish a regular presence and occupy agreed locations in Philippine territory. Although it has been said that the US will not build its own bases in the Philippines, this would still mean that US vessels containing weapons could possibly dock in our shores. And that local military bases will have to build additional facilities to accommodate US personnel and military operations in the guise of trainings and modernization of Philippine military to deter increasing China occupation in the West Philippine Sea. Money for this will be shouldered by the Philippines, in a similar manner that the Japanese people are burdened by their government’s policy on sympathy budget. Such money is better off prioritized for social welfare, health care, education, shelter and many more.

I joined the Peace March for the first time last year as a through Peace Marcher from Tokyo to Hiroshima. Although I was not able to finish, the experience instilled in me a passion to share the voice of the hibakusha and the peace movement. I also understood the importance of the voice of the civil society in pushing the campaign for a global ban on nuclear weapons. Most importantly, I felt the need for younger people to be more active in the campaign.

With this, I sent a proposal to Gensuikyo for a relay of international youth delegates instead of one through Peace Marcher like I did last year. This way, more young people from different parts of the globe can have the opportunity to participate and share their experiences in their respective countries and networks. Our common binding journal is then the blog www.heiwakoshindesu.wordpress.com.

Our international youth relay marchers come from Guam, India, the United States, Japan and the Philippines including Mindanao. What is surprisingly interesting as I follow the Peace March this year is that I also learned about the similar / related issues in the other delegate’s countries as well. All of these are related to the issues of national security and peace; right to self determination, justice and protection of environment. Learning more about each other’s issues increases opportunities for solidarity.

My personal wish, even from last year, is that we can realise a real global ban on nuclear weapons within the Hibakusha’s lifetime. Next year is an important time to do this. We cannot wait another 5 years for another NPT Review Conference. The time to abolish nuclear weapons is now! Imadesyo!

This year is especially important as we prepare for the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference in 2015. I believe you know this so much more than I do. So everything we do right now, must and will count. Let us make this Peace March stronger than ever. Let us show everyone in the streets and around the world our strong desire for a real just & peaceful world. Let us look forward to a future where cooperation between countries is based on mutual respect, cooperation and solidarity. I look forward to seeing you again in Hiroshima and Nagasaki soon. Together we shall prevail. Issho ni gambarimasyou!

Malaya Fabros, International Relay Peace Marcher for Nara Prefecture, June 26 to 30, 2014 National Japan Peace March Against A & H Bombs

Email: malayavfabros@gmail.com
