


毎月発行している日本原水協の機関誌です。国内外の反核平和運動についての情報が満載です。 日本原水協のウェブサイト→ http://www.antiatom.org/




みなさんとご一緒に、座り込みに加わりたい! その行動は、日本と世界の人々の良心を呼び起こすものです。マハトマ・ガンジーやローザ・パークス、ネルソン・マンデラやロメロ大僧正などの非暴力行動のように、みなさんの座り込み行動は、いまなお軍国主義的な価値観や盲目から抜けきれない政府の冷酷さをかならずや打ち破るでしょう。
あなた方が勝利するように! すべての被爆者が原爆症を認定され、医療や、ずっと前からかなえられているべきその他の援護措置を受けられるように! 地裁判決が守られるように!
アメリカフレンズ奉仕委員会 ジョゼフ・ガーソン(博士)
ローザ・パークス: アフリカ系アメリカ人の女性。1950年代、彼女がバスでの人種差別に抗議し、制度に従わなかったことが引き金になり、1960年代の市民権運動となり、人種差別が撤廃された。
ロメロ大僧正: オスカル・アルヌルフォ・ロメロ。1980年3月24、説教のさなかに銃により暗殺された。
Dear Taka,
Thank you for alerting me to the Tokyo District Court’s Decision and to this small way in which I might be helpful.
If the following message arrives in time, please do share it with the Hibakusha who are sitting in. I do wish that I could be there to join them.
With appreciation,
Dearest Friends,
Like many people across Japan and around the world, I was encouraged to learn of your victory in the Tokyo District Court. As we have learned at the World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs and through your visits to the United States, you have rightfully and courageously insisted that the needs, rights and dignity of all Hibakusha must be recognized and addressed.
Truth, reinforced by courageous persistence and nonviolent action, in time overcomes all lies, and mendacities of governments like that of Japan and the United States which has yet to face the ultimate evils of the A-bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and its foreign and military policies whose “cornerstone” continues to be preparations for and threats of nuclear annihilation..
I wish that I could be with you to join your sit-in. It arouses the consciences of people across Japan and the world. Hopefully, like the nonviolent actions of people from Mahatma Gandhi and Rosa Parks to Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Romero, your sit-in will finally overcome the callousness of the government, which remains rooted in militarist values and blindness.
My you prevail! May all Hibakusha receive the medical care and other support which is so long overdue.! May the courts’ decisions finally be honored.
With solidarity and friendship,
Dr. Joseph Gerson
American Friends Service Committee
ase do share it with the Hibakusha who are sitting in. Test I do wish that I could be there to join them.
With appreciation,
Dearest Friends,
Like many people across Japan and around the world, I was encouraged to learn of your victory in the Tokyo District Court. As we have learned at the World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs and through your visits to the United States, you have rightfully and courageously insisted that the needs, rights and dignity of all Hibakusha must be recognized and addressed.
Truth, reinforced by courageous persistence and nonviolent action, in time overcomes all lies, and mendacities of governments like that of Japan and the United States which has yet to face the ultimate evils of the A-bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and its foreign and military policies whose “cornerstone” continues to be preparations for and threats of nuclear annihilation..
I wish that I could be with you to join your sit-in. It arouses the consciencease do share it with the Hibakusha who are sitting in. I do wish that I could be there to join them.
With appreciation,
Dearest Friends,
Like many people across Japan and around the world, I was encouraged to learn of your victory in the Tokyo District Court. As we have learned at the World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs and through your visits to the United States, you have rightfully and courageously insisted that the needs, rights and dignity of all Hibakusha must be recognized and addressed.
Truth, reinforced by courageous persistence and nonviolent action, in time overcomes all lies, and mendacities of governments like that of Japan and the United States which has yet to face the ultimate evils of the A-bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and its foreign and military policies whose “cornerstone” continues to be preparations for and threats of nuclear annihilation..
I wish that I could be with you to join your sit-in. It arouses the consciences of people across Japhts and dignity of all Hibakusha must be recognized and addressed.
Truth, reinforced by courageous persistence and nonviolent action, in time overcomes all lies, and mendacities of governments like that of Japan and the United States which has yet to face the ultimate evils of the A-bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and its foreign and military policies whose “cornerstone” continues to be preparations for and threats of nuclear annihilation..
I wish that I could be with you to join your sit-in. It arouses the conscience

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