


毎月発行している日本原水協の機関誌です。国内外の反核平和運動についての情報が満載です。 日本原水協のウェブサイト→ http://www.antiatom.org/










Kapayapaan! Peace!

Magandang Araw sa Lahat! (Please translate with Japanese)



I am Valtimore, came from Mindanao, Philippines. My organization is Mindanao Peoples’ Peace Movement. The movement is an alliance, network and coalition of grass-roots peace, human rights, and environment activist organizations of Bangsamoro (Muslim), Lumad (Indigenous People) and Migrant Settlers (Christians). Our being came after an anti-Foreign Military Troops presence in the Philippines Caravan in 1999 around Mindanao. It was a campaign against the Visiting Forces Agreement between the Philippines and United States. Later the Movement evolved and for 15 years become a convergence of pro-peace; pro-development of, by and for the people; human rights promotion and ecological balance advocates; and above all MPPM stands for an inclusive peace and inclusive development putting the broadest population of marginalized sectors on top.



Joining the Japan Peace March and International Peace Relay last year 2014 was a remarkable experience and part of our international journey to peace and we are very glad to be here again marching and demanding a peaceful and nuke free world.



Our struggle in Mindanao against foreign military interventions is the same as yours. This militarist expansionism by the world powers is a concern of all peace-loving citizens around the world, the same with rest of struggles to put humanity and environment at the center.



Like in 1958 when the Peace March was inspired and started, we need commitment to do it and the willingness to pursue and bring our voices together as a force.



I will March and let us March for an Inclusive World, for an Inclusive Peace – a Nuke FREE World!



Lastly, I would like to offer this March to my daughter and our children and their generations to come. I wanted to offer this March to those who are with us long before marching and offering their lives for peace and human rights.


ノー・ニュークス!  ノー・核兵器!  行進しましょう!  レッツゴー!

No Nukes! No Bombs! No Wars! Let’s March! Let’s Go!

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