Peace Wave NewsVol. 1 July 11, 2020 ![]() Dear friends, We are pleased to present the first issue of the Peace Wave News. Despite the corona pandemic which requires people to organize and plan their activities with caution and care, there are many online and in-person actions being planned in different parts of the world. Creating Ripples in Preparation for the Peace WaveSome webinars are being planned in July, in the lead up to the Peace Wave and to mobilize people to join the 75th anniversary Hiroshima/Nagasaki Day events, including… U.S.A.Webinar: 75th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings: Deconstructing the Myths and Promoting a Nuclear Weapons-Free and Just World, Monday, July 13 (7:00 pm EDT)The webinar aims to: 1) Encourage actions across the United States and beyond in solidarity with the Japan Council against A- & H-Bombs “Global Peace Wave”; 2) Counter the anticipated dishonest wave of propaganda that the A-bombings and sacrifices of the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were needed to end the Pacific War and save American lives; and 3) Build a movement that understands and opposes the illegitimate uses of State power, from police brutality and institutionalized racism, to foreign military interventions and continued preparations for nuclear annihilation. Registration at https://bit.ly/peacewave Sponsored by: AFSC-NE Region; CPDC; Peace Action, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung-NY; UFPJ, WSLF, supported by Nihon Hidankyo and Gensuikyo Peace Action, U.S.A.Sally Jones of the Peace Action-NY is preparing to send out the sets of A-Bomb photos received from Gensuikyo. Peace Action is calling on their local affiliates nationwide to join the Peace Wave and make use of these photos in their actions to remind the public of the inhuman consequences of the use of nuclear weapons. Sally says, “Somehow getting something physical from Gensuikyo seems so tangible and real in this time of Zoom meetings and touches my heart…. These photos are so powerful. I do hope that communities will find a public way of displaying them.” JAPANMiyagi Gensuikyo (Miyagi Council against A and H Bombs)“No Nukes Café” on August 2 will invite people to come and listen to Ms. KIMURA Hisako, Hibakusha of Hiroshima for her A-bomb testimony and talk with her in person at 13:00 at Tokyo electron Hall in Sendai City. Miyagi Gensuikyo is also holding a major signature drive action on August 6 and 9 in the afternoon at the west gate of Sendai Station, and watch parties of the Online 2020 World Conference against A and H Bombs on August 2, 6 and 9. Ehime Gensuikyo: On July 19, the 66th Shikoku Regional Conference against A and H Bombs will be held online, featuring Lee Jun Kyu (on peace of the Korean Peninsula) of ROK.Kagawa Gensuikyo: Simultaneous standing appeal actions are planned on August 2.Actions Planned around the World for the Peace Wave, August 6-9JAPANHokkaido GensuikyoSapporo: A-bomb Flame ceremony at 8:00, August 6 at Nittoji Temple Rumoi: Memorial Ceremony of the A-Bomb Dead at 7:30, August 6 at Eifukuji Temple, with Mayor of Rumoi, followed by the bell tolling for peace at 8:15, and signature collection in downtown of Rumoi at 10:30. Bibai: Peace Bell Tolling at 8:00, at Seikyoji Temple. After the priest’s sermon, participants will go up to the bell tower to toll the bell for peace, with Mayor of Bibai and the city government will co-sponsor the event. Other temples will toll the bell on August 9. Aomori GensuikyoSpecial 6th and 9th Day action planned in Hachinohe City. Iwate GensuikyoAiming to make a big leap in collecting the “Hibakusha Appeal” petition, local efforts are being underway, with the July 4 promotion committee meeting as a springboard. The target is to collect 20,000 signatures before September 10. Miyagi GensuikyoWatch party of the Online 2020 World Conference against A and H Bombs is planned in several locations, in addition to No Nukes Care, in addition to utilizing SNS and Twitters. Tochigi GensuikyoPeace Bell Tolling event at 8:15 August 6, Torinji Temple, Sakura City. Gunma GensuikyoSilent standing appeal action and Hibakusha signature campaign on August 6 and 9 in many communities in Gunma. Tokyo GensuikyoTokyo High School Peace Seminar members will meet at 10 am on August 9 at Ueno Station, visit the memorials of the Great Tokyo Air raid and Hiroshima/Nagasaki Flame and hold a memorial ceremony at 11:02. August 6 and 9 at 4-5pm, signature collection at Akishima Station by Shinfujin members. At Nerima station, Hibakusha Appeal signature drive on August 9 with songs and Peace puzzles Yamanashi GensuikyoLocal temples will toll the bell of peace on August 6. Hibakusha Appeal signature drive at Kofu Railway Station. Simultaneous standing appeals planned in the afternoon of August 9. “Children’s Peace Wave actions” will be held as individuals participation in the Peace Wave. Niigata Gensuikyo14,000 paper cranes will be folded and each crane will be decorated at the doorstep of every house. Toyama GensuikyoToyama City: Minute of silence at 8:15 on August 6; Pamphlet distribution in front of Toyama Station. In Takaoka City, Hibakusha Appeal signature drive in many communities and “A-bomb paintings by high school students” exhibition and screening of films. Toyama medical workers will livestream short Peace Wave message movies. “Candlelight Action Peace Wave” by Japan for a World BEYOND War75 years ago U.S. President Harry S. Truman dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese and tens of thousands of Koreans, and caused terrible pain to millions of others. Between August 6th and 9th, there will be a “peace wave” in cities around the world. There are still Japanese and Korean survivors (hibakusha) alive today. This year may be the last chance for us to hear about what they experienced in the summer of 1945. Here in Nagoya, between 19:00 and 20:00 on the evening of Saturday, August 8th, people will gather and do a “candlelight” vigil in front of Skyle near Sakae Station. We will hear about the effects of those 2 bombs on people’s lives, and about white supremacy and racism against Japanese and Koreans of the time. (In the City of Inuyama in the morning of August 6th, the time of the first bombing, there will also be a similar event. See the Aichi Prefecture Gensuikyo webpage for more forthcoming details about that event: http://gensui.peace-aichi.net). Aichi GensuikyoFrom 08:00 to 08:30 on August 6, street campaign to mark the Hiroshima atomic bombing; Peace Bell tolling at Jakkoin Temple in Inuyama City. Candlelight service to remember the victims in the evening of August 7 or 8. Toyama GensuikyoAt 8:15 am on August 6, a minute of silence will be observed in front of Japan Railway Toyama Station, and the leaflets will be handed to passers-by. Major signature drives will be organized in Takaoka City on August 6 and the A-Bomb exhibition on August 8. Short movies to appeal for a nuclear weapon-free world will be created by Min-Iren workers at different hospitals and clinics to join the Peace Wave. Okayama GensuikyoBetween 8:00 to 8:30 on August 6, “Peace Wave silent standing appeals” will be held at 30 places in Okayama, on the street, in the parks, workplaces, schools, etc., including a minute of silent prayer at 8:15, the moment of the A-bomb explosion of Hiroshima in 1945. Kyoto GensuikyoHibakusha Appeal signature campaign from 10 to 11 am and 2 to 3 pm at Kiyomizu Temple on August 6 and 9. Okayama GensuikyoIn 30 places in Okayama, Peace silent standing appeals will be held at 8:00 - 8:30 am on August 6. Hiroshima GensuikyoOn August 6, after observing the memorial ceremony at 8:15, Hibakusha Appeal signature drive will be held at 2 pm on August 6. On August 9, signature collection and moment of silence at 11:02. Shimane GensuikyoLocal people will stage a silent standing appeal in front of Shimane Prefectural office in the early morning of August, then join the online 2020 World Conference against A and H bombs. On August 9, members of Shinfujin (New Japan Women’s Association) will stage a silent standing appeal action in Hamada City. Ehime GensuikyoActions will start with the moment of silence at 8:15 of August 6. On August 7, people will gather to pack in boxes colorful paper cranes to send overseas. At 11:00-12:00 on August 8, a major action will be held at Matsuyama Railway station together with Hidankyo. Oita GensuikyoOn August 6, at North gate of Oita Station, a large-scale “Hibakusha Appeal” signature drive is planned by local peace organizations and Shinfujin. Kagoshima GensuikyoPublic action planned on August 6 and 9. All Japan Teachers and Staffs Union:Union members create patchwork tapestries with 30cm x 30cm cloths with messages, the photos of which will be sent out through SNS with #PeaceWave hashtag. New Japan Women’s Association (Shinfujin)Each prefectural Shinfujin creates a Peace Wave tapestry, which is featured during the Nationwide Peace March and the Peace Wave. Japan Federation of Medical Workers Unions (Iroren)Union members will join local Gensuikyos to stage standing appeal actions, Orizuru Wave actions and A-bomb photo exhibitions. REPUBLIC OF KOREAHwang Sooyoung, Peace and Solidarity for Participatory DemocracyI think that your online conference plans, including Peace Wave joint action, are quite good. I'm sorry about the current covid-19 situation, but it could be a chance for more people to participate via online. We are happy to participate in the 2020 World Conference, and especially to join and cooperate the webinar on 4 Aug (on Peace in Northeast Asia)…. We'd appreciate it if PSPD could have an opportunity to share our opinion and action plan in the webinar this time. FYI, this is the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War. We launched the Peace Campaign to End the Korean War <70 years is enough, Korea Peace Now!> on 24 June. PSPD is widely organizing a national coalition of ROK civil society and religious groups for this campaign. We will start the Kim Jinyoung, People’s Solidarity for Social ProgressThank you so much for your invitation to the 2020 World Conference. Since we couldn’t agree more that cooperation and joint work of the people’s movements between Japan and ROK is essential for achieving a nuclear-free peaceful Northeast Asia, we are very happy to join in this session and would like to do anything to make it successful. We will also seriously consider what we can do here regarding the “Peace Wave”, including a campaign to push for the South Korean government to ratify the TPNW. Please let us know if you need any further information or help. LITHUANIATrakai Rotary Club event on August 4-11The A-bomb picture exhibition, a gift from Gensuikyo, will be displayed near Trakai castle, in a ship Vytine. You can see it in the attached pictures behind us, as well as Traku castle. It is fifteenth century Lithuanian ship, in which goods around Europe were transported. At the time the ships were the greatest transport means all around Europe. In the photo you can see me, the initiator of the exhibition, near me the owner of the ship Volosevicius and the president of Trakai Rotary Club Narkevicius. During the exhibition, signatures will be collected and we will send them afterwards. Yesterday I also met the Lithuanian Green party leaders. They also promised to make a move in Vilnius during the World conference days, I will let you know more next week. Wishes to all our Gensuikyo friends. BELGIUMMaud Martens, Vredesoverleg GentHibakusha exhibition (August 6-9): We will decorate the city of Ghent with large portraits and quotes of Hibakusha. Next to this, we will distribute postcards with these images and quotes and a small explanation on the back to raise awareness. FRANCEMouvement de la PaixThe national board of the Mouvement de la Paix decided to fully join the Peace Wave for nuclear disarmament launched from Hiroshima from 6 to 9 August. It called on all its committees in France to multiply public actions in memory of the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to denounce these crimes and to call for action for the ratification of the Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty, which constitutes a first objective on the road to their total elimination. During these actions we will call on the citizens to demand that the French government stop its nuclear weapons modernization programs. In this regard, a public demonstration will take place on 6 August near the nuclear submarine base Ile Longue. This base is one of the places where the violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in France is taking place. We are going to laminate the 24 exhibitions that you sent us by adding some texts and photos of actions in France. Theses sets will be exposed on the place of the actions which will take place between the 6th and the 9th of August. As you know, we are a little less organized than you and our committees often inform us at the last minute of their initiatives. Of course we will spread information about the Peace Wave and nuclear disarmament on social networks via Facebook but also via our newsletter which is sent to about 30,000 people in France. At the same time we will send this exhibition to all parliamentarians sitting in the national assembly and mayors as well as to all the media. Cultivating peace through the marshes, 15:00-19:00, August 6, BourgesPeaceful and artistic march through marshes nurturing peace. Participants are invited to take a stroll in the marshes, natural heritage at the foot of the medieval district of the town. They will be able to listen or create poetry, music, to discover exhibition, to exchange information about this 75th year of the A-bomb tragedies with the aim of the elimination of nuclear weapons. Contact: Jeannick LEPRETRE & Annie FRISON, Mouvement de la Paix Bourges et Cher U.K.CND Webinar Commemorating the 75th anniversary of Hiroshima and NagasakiThe Webinar will be held on Saturday 8th August at 2pm (UK time). The webinar will last about one hour. Speakers will include Bruce Kent, Yayoi Tsuchida of Gensuikyo and a US peace activist with Kate Hudson as a host. Hiroshima Day, 75th Anniversary (online event) by London CNDJoin the event with Jenny Jones, Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb, Maryam Eslamdoust, Mayor of Camden, Bruce Kent, Vice-President of CND, and cultural programme including Emma Dent Coad, poetry reading; Michael Mears, actor and playwright; Rev Nagase, chant and drumming; Hugh Goodacre, song and acoustic guitar. Tickets and registration: https://london-cnd-hiroshima-2020.eventbrite.co.uk Following registration you will be sent details of how to join the event online. Capacity is limited so all attendees must register in advance. Registration ends at 4pm on Wednesday 5th August. Greater Manchester CND - Peace Wave webinarOn Sunday, August 9 at 12:00 noon GMT, the Peace Wave webinar is planned with two speakers: Joseph Gerson of the CPDC, USA, speaking on Taniguchi Sumiteru’s new book, “Atomic Bomb on My Back” and Rieko Asato, Japan, speaking on the 2020 World Conference against A and H Bombs, Peace Wave and the Japanese peace movement. . The local CND and peace groups have been invited to take part in the Peace Wave and to send photographs of their events and activities. Lots of interesting information from the North West of England should reach you. International Peace Bureau’s webinar: “75 year anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki – it is time for a world free of nuclear weapons” (online)On August 5, 2020, at 12pm-1:30 in CET, this webinar expects to have Beatrice Fihn of ICAN, Jeremy Corbyn of the UK, Noam Chomsky of the U.S.(video) and a Hibakusha speaker. The conversation would be moderated by Arielle Denis, with opening remarks by Lisa Clark. U.S.A.Peace Wave 2020 by Greater Brunswick PeaceWorks, MaineOn Sunday, August 9 from 4-5 pm at Brunswick Town Hall, we will have folded paper cranes attached by a thread to a small statement about Peace Wave 2020 as gifts for attenders. We will display some of the photo panels available to us. We may have a reading of Sadako and the Thousand Cranes – if we can do that with safe distancing. Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace, New YorkGenesee Valley Citizens for Peace has commemorated the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for 46 consecutive years. We again plan to have a vigil in 2020. We are aware that this is the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We would like to participate in the Peace Wave. We plan to have our vigil on Wednesday, August 5th, at approximately 7:15 PM. We believe that is when the Peace Wave will begin in Japan. If possible, we would like to establish a telephone connection with the Peace Wave participants in Japan, so that we can share greetings and promises to continue our work against nuclear war. Virtual Conversation and Socially Distant Vigil by Upper Hudson Peace Action, AlbanyThe event is in two parts. All throughout August 6, 2020 on Upper Hudson Peace Action’s Facebook page, we will post passages from John Hersey’s novel Hiroshima along with speeches about the dropping the of the atomic bomb, declassified documents, survivor’s accounts, videos and photographs. We encourage people to reflect and discuss and join us in a digital conversation. We will collect the comments and put them on our website. On the evening of August 6, 2020 we ask you to join us in a socially distant vigil where you place peace cranes (instructions will be on our website and Facebook page) and candles in your windows and please share photographs on our Facebook page! 75th Anniversary Hiroshima Commemoration, Jamestown, RIThe event will be held from 12 noon to 2 pm on August 6, at East Ferry, Jamestown. “We will hold up banners ‘Hiroshima Nagasaki Never Again’ and ‘US Senators Please Ratify UN Treaty for a Global Ban on Nuclear Weapons’. We will read aloud the Joint Statement from Civil Society to the States Parties of the NPT Treaty. We ask participants to wear a face mask and keep social distance.” Baltimore holds 36th Annual Hiroshima & Nagasaki CommemorationsFor the 36th year, the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Commemoration Committee will remember the atomic bombings of Japan on August 6 & 9, 1945, which killed more than 200,000 people. Baltimore Nonviolence Center, Baltimore Peace Action, Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility, Homewood Friends Meeting and Prevent Nuclear War Maryland are also involved. On Thursday, August 6 from 5 to 6:30 PM, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima will be commemorated at the intersection of 33rd and North Charles Streets in Baltimore. Participants will gather at the four corners, adjacent to Johns Hopkins University, the #1 nuclear weapons contractor among educational institutions. In fiscal year 2017, JHU received $828 million in weapons contracts, more than twice as much as any other U.S. university. JHU’s Applied Physics Laboratory is the research center which engages in most of the university’s work on weapons contracts. The APL renewed a seven-year contract in 2017 worth $93 million to continue a strategic partnership with the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center. Participants with signs, banners, ribbons and artwork will condemn research on nuclear weapons, show support for a Back from the Brink resolution, five steps towards the abolition of nuclear weapons, and will call for ratification of the UN Ban Treaty. Signs will also show support for the Black Lives Matter protests, and call out to Demilitarize the Police and Denuclearize the Military. This intersection offers several places for protesters to gather, which will allow for social distancing with people wearing masks and staying six feet from others. This demonstration will be linked with so many others around the world on the 75th anniversary of one of the more horrific war crimes ever committed. Some of the demonstrators will be interviewed urging JHU to renounce its nuclear weapons contracts. Their comments will be posted on social media. On Sunday, August 9 from 1 to 2:30 pm, the commemoration of the Nagasaki A-bombing will be held. For details, please contact the people below. Charles R. Strain, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, ChicagoThis August 6th marks 75 years since the bombing of Hiroshima, 75 years living under the cloud of that horrific event and the arms race it unleashed. As in past years, an ad hoc group of activists and those who simply want to mourn the event will gather at the Henry Moore sculpture on the University of Chicago campus at 5:00 PM. We will structure the site to promote social distancing but still keep us together. I am a member of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship which has co-sponsored this event for the last 4-5 years and I agreed to help with the organizing. I am asking if you will please spread the information of this event to friends and to any organizations that you may be part of. Secondly, if you can get organizations that you are part of to co-sponsor the event that would be great. It will cost your group $0.00. Third, if you would like to speak at this event please let me or Roberta Siegel know. If we can keep our remarks to 5-7 minutes that would be great. It worked well last year. Finally, a virtual event may be forthcoming for the evening of the 6th. If you prefer not to gather in public. Sadako Peace Day by Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (online), CaliforniaOn August 6, at 18:00 PDT, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation will hold the “Sadako Peace Day” online, featuring poetry, music, and reflections on the 75th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This year’s keynote speaker will be Toshiharu Kano, a survivor of the Hiroshima atomic bombing who lives in Salt Lake City, United States. The event will be livestreamed. Also, NAPF’s Peace Literacy Institute will hold two multi-day Peace Literacy workshops that will address issues affecting humanity’s ability to thrive in the 21st century. CANADAScience for Peace/ Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day Coalition, TorontoAs a Toronto participant in the 2001 and 2005 conferences, I send greetings and best wishes for your worldwide gathering. May it build solidarity and stimulate action around the world! We urgently need progress towards a nuclear weapon-free, peaceful, and just world! May your time together deepen your understanding! The international co-operation your meeting can strengthen is essential for the world we want! In Toronto we are planning an online program, “75 Years: Canada, Nuclear Weapons, and the UN Ban Treaty.” Setsuko Thurlow will speak about her experience as a hibakusha and I will talk about Canada’s participation in the Manhattan Project, which developed the nuclear bombs, providing the required uranium as well as scientific expertise, its subsequent selling of uranium and reactors, ensuring more nuclear weapons states, and its support for nuclear armed NATO. We will be with you in spirit! Richard Denton, MD Emeritus, Rotarians 4 Nuclear Ban, CanadaTwo conferences are being organized by Rotarians 4 Nuclear Ban: |