World Conference

Dear friends,

The Organizing Committee of the 2024 World Conference against A & H Bombs announced that the World Conference will take place on August 3-9 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki under the theme: “Together with the Hibakusha, let us achieve a nuclear weapon-free, peaceful and just world — for the future of the humankind and our planet”.

This year’s World Conference, which will be held on the eve of 2025, the 80th anniversary of the atomic bombings, has even greater significance for the realization of the Hibakusha’s wish to achieve a world without nuclear weapons in their lifetime.

Despite of the wish of the peoples of the world for a nuclear weapon-free peaceful world, the war in Ukraine and the Gaza massacre continue and the danger of use of nuclear weapons is not gone. In response to the current crisis, the nuclear powers and their allies have strengthened their military blocs and continue to cling to their policy of “nuclear deterrence”. But at the same time, a major trend toward “the prohibition of nuclear weapons,” powered by the TPNW, continues to develop. Looking to the NPT PrepCom in July and the 3MSP of TPNW next March, we aim to make the Conference a rallying point to strengthen cooperation with the UN, the governments and civil society of the world.

The Conference also aim to mobilize the Japanese public opinion to make the Japanese government sign and ratify the TPNW and take the lead in the abolition of nuclear weapons. We call for your support and participation in the 2024 World Conference.

2024 World Conference against A and H Bombs

Declaration of the International Meeting (adopted on August 4, Hiroshima)

Letter from Nagasaki to All Governments of the World (adopted on August 9, Nagasaki)

Theme and Schedule of the 2024 World Conference

Main Theme:

Conference Schedule:

August 3 (Sat): International Meeting — Opening Session, Session I, II and III

(Hiroshima JA Building) ; Drafting Committee Meeting

August 4 (Sun): International Meeting – Closing Session (Hiroshima JA Building)

Opening Plenary, 2024 World Conference against A and H Bombs –

Hiroshima (Green Arena, Hiroshima Prefectural Sports Center)

August 5 (Mon): Forums/ Workshops/ Field trips (different venues in Hiroshima City)

August 6 (Tue): Closing Plenary/ Hiroshima Day Rally, 2024 World Conference against

A and H Bombs (Green Arena, Hiroshima Prefectural Sports Center)

August 7 (Wed): Move to Nagasaki (by chartered bus/train)

August 8 (Thu): Exchange Forum between Overseas Delegates and Citizens

(Nakabe Auditorium, Nagasaki University)

August 9 (Fri): Nagasaki Day Rally, 2024 World Conference – Nagasaki (Nagasaki

Shimin Kaikan Gymnasium)


August 3 (Saturday)

International Meeting:
2024 World Conference against A and H Bombs
August 3-4, Hiroshima JA Building (10F)

Opening Session (10:00-10:30) :

Address of the Organizer: Noguchi Kunikazu, Co-Chair of Steering Committee, Organizing Committee of the World Conference against A and H Bombs

Presentation of messages of solidarity

Session I: Making Hibakusha’s voices heard all over the world (10:30 – 13:00):

Warning of the threat and use of nuclear weapons, the discussion will focus on the appeals by the Hibakusha and victims of nuclear development/tests calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons, as well as the relief measures, compensation and support for them.

Introductory speakers:

  1. Reports from the Hibakusha on the A-Bomb damage and sufferings; current situation and demands of the Hibakusha; achievement and challenges of the Hibakusha movements and their appeal the world:
  2. Unsolved problems & struggles of Hibakusha: “Black Rain” victims’ struggle and achievement; their message to the world:

Questions and answers; Discussion

  1. Victims of the Bikini H-bomb test (voices of the unattended/hidden Hibakusha):
  2. Article 6 & 7 of the TPWN and the task of supporting the Hibakusha:

Q & A; Discussion

Lunch Break (13:00-14:00)

Session II: Achieving a nuclear weapon-free, peaceful and just world (14:00-16:20)

Focus of this session will be the promotion of the TPNW; denunciation of possible use or threat of nuclear weapons; implementation of NPT Article VI and agreements to eliminate nuclear weapons; Defeating nuclear deterrence; Further expansion of NWFZs.

Introductory speakers:

Q & A

Break (10 min.)

Session III: Solidarity and joint efforts/movements of civil society (16:30-19:00)

Looking to the 80th anniversary of the atomic bombing, discussion will focus on the joint actions for promoting the TPNW and achieving a nuclear weapon-free world. And deeper discussion will be encouraged to involve and work together in solidarity with movements on various agenda – anti-war and for peace; renewable energy and environment; zero nuclear power; sustainable society; poverty and social gaps, human rights; gender equality, etc.

Introductory speakers:

Q & A


August 4 (Sunday)

Closing Session, International Meeting (10:00-11:00, Hiroshima JA Building)

Opening Plenary
2024 World Conference against A and H Bombs – Hiroshima
14:00-16:30, Green Arena, Hiroshima Prefectural Sports Center


Opening remarks

Introduction of overseas delegate

Presentation of delegates from around Japan

Keynote report by the organizer: Tomida Koji, Chair of the Drafting Committee of the “Declaration of the International Meeting

Message from Hiroshima Mayor: Presented by Murakami Shinichiro, Civic Bureau Chief, Hiroshima City

Greetings from the Hibakusha: Tanaka Terumi, Co-Chair, Japan Confederation of A-and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo) (online)

Greetings from the representatives of national governments:

Greetings from parliamentarians/political parties; Messages

Session 1: Prohibition of nuclear weapons; Achieving a world free of nuclear weapons; People’s struggles in nuclear-armed states and nuclear dependent countries:

Session 2: Achieving a Japan to join the TPNW – Presentation of grass-roots struggles:

  • Peace Marchers, Okinawa, Kure, Tokyo, NJWA


August 5 (Monday)

Forums/Workshops/Field trips; Associated events

Forum 1: For a Nuclear Weapon-Free World – Dialogue between government representatives and citizens movements (with J-E simultaneous interpretation)
(13:00-16:00, TKP Garden City Hiroshima Ekimae Ohashi, Asty Hiroshima-Kyobashi Bldg, 1-7, Kyobachi-machi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima.)

We will develop collaboration between governments and civil society to promote the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPWN) in order to stop dangerous moves that could lead to the destruction of humanity, such as the escalating threat of nuclear war, and to move toward a “world without nuclear weapons”. This is a rare opportunity to directly interact with government representatives from Mexico, which presided over the Second Meeting of the Parties to the TPNW and Kazakhstan, which will chair the Third Meeting of the Parties to the TPNW in March next year.


  • Batyrkhan Kurmanseit, Minister-Counselor, Embassy of Kazakhstan in Japan
  • Miguel Mojedano Batel, First Secretary, Embassy of Mexico in Japan
  • Abacca Anjain-Maddison, Former Senator/ Representative of Rongelap Islanders
  • Tsuchida Yayoi, Assistant Secretary General, Japan Gensuikyo

Forum 2: For a Nuclear-Free and Peaceful Asia – Discussion with governments, movement organizations of Japan and East Asia
(10:30-15:00, TKP Garden City Hiroshima/ Diamond Hall, Crystal Plaza, 8-18 Nakamachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima)

This is the place for dialogue and exchange among ASEAN governments, political parties and civil society with a common objective of achieving a nuclear-free and peaceful Asia; promotion of the TPNW in East Asia and building peace in the region.

Morning part:

Keynote speech by the Representative from the Embassy of Indonesia in Japan

Afternoon Discussion:


  • Japan: Kazuo Shii, Parliamentarian, the Japanese Communist Party
  • Vietnam: Duong Thi Nga, Vietnam Peace Committee
  • Philippines: Corazon Fabros, Nuclear Philippines Coalition
  • ROK: Lee Junkyu, Adjunct Researcher, Hanshin University

Workshop 3: Nuclear-Free Japan Campaign: Achieving a nuclear-free and peaceful Japan that joins the TPNW
(09:30-15:00, Large Seminar Room (8F), Hiroshima-ken Kenko Fukushi Center, 1-6-29 Minami-machi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima)

Currently, the “Nuclear-Free Japan Campaign” is going on nationwide, in order to achieve a nuclear weapon-free world, Japan’s accession to the TPNW, and to build common understanding on the inhumanity of nuclear weapons which cannot coexist with humanity. Specific efforts and local initiatives are presented and discussed for developing public opinion towards the 80th anniversary of the atomic bombing.

Invited speakers:

  • Joseph Gerson, Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security, USA
  • Maribel Hernandez Sanchez, Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament, Spain

Workshop 4: Disseminating damage and aftereffects of the Atomic Bombing and nuclear tests; Relief and Solidarity for the Hibakusha and nuclear victims
(09:30-15:00, Auditorium, 2F, Hiroshima-ken Shakai Fukushi Kaikan, 12-2 Hijiyama-Honmachi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima)

With the growing threat of the use of nuclear weapons, the inhumanity of nuclear weapons, Hibakusha testimonies, and the succession of the Hibakusha movement are becoming increasingly important in order to break down the theory of nuclear deterrence. We will share the testimonies of Hibakusha, their movements, and the reality of the situation, including the “Black Rain” and “Bikini Disaster” that remain as unresolved issues, as well as those of South Korea and the Marshall Islands, and discuss how to provide support and solidarity for the Hibakusha as a national issue.

Invited Speakers:

  • Park Jung-soon, Korea Atomic Bomb Victims Association

Workshop 5: No to War! Stop military build-up! Defend peace and people’s living
(09:30-15:00, Large Conference room (4F), Hiroshima YMCA No.2 Bldg., 7-11 Hacchobori, Naka-ku, Hiroshima)

Peace and security of Japan cannot be defended by the US nuclear umbrella, missile deployment targeted to Asia or massive military buildup to prepare for wars. This workshop will discuss and share people’s experiences and ideas on how to develop national cooperation among people in order to change the course of Japan toward peace and freedom from nuclear weapons.

Workshop 6: Youth Forum
(09:30-15:00, Small Arena, Hiroshima Prefectural Sports Center, 4-1 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima)

Participants will learn about the domestic and international situation regarding nuclear weapons and war, and the importance of grassroots actions against nuclear weapons, which are the force behind the promotion of the TPNW, which has opened up the current situation. Hearing the experiences of A-bomb survivors and learning about the inhumanity of nuclear weapons, the participants will gain the strength to overcome the theory of nuclear deterrence. Through discussions with international youth, participants will exchange opinions on ideas and measures to create a peaceful and just world.

Speakers (requested):

Rex Alex (USA), Albert Lozada (the Philippines), Galileo de Gusman Castillo (the Philippines)

Workshop 7: For achieving ZERO nuclear power

(09:30-15:00, Conference Hall (3F), Hiroshima Road Bldg., 2-9-24 Hikarimachi, Higashi-ku, Hiroshima)

Thirteen years after the accident at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, there are still many victims who are unable to return to their hometowns, and there is no prospect of decommissioning the plant. In solidarity with the victims, participants will exchange their efforts to achieve “ZERO” nuclear power by opposing the nuclear power policy promoted by the Kishida administration.


Delegates from Fukushima, Miyagi, Shimane

Workshop 8: Peace crisis and climate crisis
(09:30-15:00, Conference Room (5F), Co-op Kenko Plaza, 16-19 Kannonmachi, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima)

In confronting the climate crisis and environmental destruction, which are urgent issues for humanity, we must oppose wars, conflicts, and military exercises, and change politics for the abolition of nuclear weapons. Participants will learn and exchange views with experts who have engaged in specialized research and movements on climate and environment issues, as well as the impact of military bases, nuclear weapons, and nuclear tests. We will share the fact that grassroots movements have a great influence in the world and lead to hope for the future.


Takemoto Masahiro (Professional diver/Environmentalist), Noguchi Kunikazu, Co-Chair of Steering Committee, Organizing Committee of the World Conference against A and H Bombs

Workshop 9: Learning and talking peace through films
(09:30-15:00, Multimedia Room (6F), Hito-Machi Plaza, 6-36 Fukuromachi, Hiroshima)

Watching the films depicting the A-bomb damage and on peace/anti-nuclear movement, participants will discuss and deepen the theme of the conference for future activism.

Workshop 10: Building anti-nuclear and peaceful society through cultural activities
(09:30-15:00, Hall (4F), Chuo Kominkan, 24-36 Nishi-Shiroshimamachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima)

For developing anti-nuclear public opinion and pressing the Japanese government to sign the TPNW, the power of culture/cultural activities should be given full play for creating broadest possible front and cooperation among people. Reevaluating the anti-nuclear peace culture, participants will share their local/grass-roots activities and experiences to involve more people in the movement.

Field trip (Workshop 11): Learning peace on A-bombed streetcars (program for parents and small children)
(10:45-16:30, Meeting place: Budojo, Prefectural Sports Center)

Field trip (Workshop 12): Monitoring U.S. Marine Iwakuni Base

Field trip (Workshop 13): Monitoring MDF Kure Base

Field trip (Workshop 14): Visiting A-bomb/peace memorials in Peace Park

Field trip (Workshop 15): Visiting Former Army Clothing Depot

Field trip (Workshop 16): Forum for boys and girls at Ninoshima Island

High School Students Forum

Related event:
2024 No Nukes! Women’s Forum
(18:00-19:30, Small Arena, Hiroshima Prefectural Sports Center)

August 6 (Tuesday)

Closing Plenary/ Hiroshima Day Rally
2024 World Conference against A and H Bombs – Hiroshima
10:30-13:00, Green Arena, Hiroshima Prefectural Sports Center


Messages from national/local governments

  • Kishimoto Satoko, Mayor, Suginami Ward, Tokyo (video)

Greetings of solidarity/ Messages from civil society:

  • Nakazono Kenji, President, Nihon Seinendan Youth Council
  • Tsujino Koichiro, Former CEO of Google-Japan (message)

Greetings from guests:

Greetings from parliamentarians/political parties

  • Tamura Tomoko, Chairperson, Japanese Communist Party/ Member of the House of Councilors
  • Kushibuchi Mari, Co-Chair, Reiwa Shinsengumi/ Member of the House of Representatives

Special program: “Let’s convey Hibakusha’s voices across the world”

Speeches by overseas delegates:

Determination of Japanese delegates: Aichi, Fukushima, High-school/ Univ. students

Proposal and adoption of the conference statement: “Appeal from Hiroshima”


August 8 (Thursday)

Exchange Forum between Overseas Delegates and Citizens
2024 World Conference against A and H Bombs – Nagasaki
13:00-16:00, Nakabe Auditorium, Nagasaki University

The 3rd MSP to TPWN will be held in New York in spring 2025, the 80th anniversary of the Atomic Bombing. The role of citizens’ movements in the nuclear weapon/dependent states is crucial. With the representatives of the movements of the USA, UK, Spain, ROK and Japan, we will discuss how to enhance grass-roots movements and develop and coordinate international joint actions to change these pro-nuclear governments.


  • Joseph Gerson, Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security, USA
  • Kate Hudson, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, UK
  • Maribel Hernández, Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament, Spain
  • Lee Gieun, Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea (SPARK), ROK
  • Tsuchida Yayoi, Japan Council against A and H Bombs (Gensuikyo)

August 9 (Friday)

Nagasaki Day Rally
2024 World Conference against A and H Bombs – Nagasaki
10:30-13:00, Nagasaki Shimin Kaikan Gymnasium


Opening remarks

Keynote report by the organizer: Tomida Koji, Chair of the Drafting Committee of the “Declaration of the International Meeting

Messages from national/local governments, Japanese parliamentarians

Greetings from Nagasaki Mayor (video)

Minute of silence

Appeal of the Hibakusha: Kido Sueichi, Secretary General, Japan Confederation of A-and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo)

Session 1: Prohibition of nuclear weapons; Achieving a world free of nuclear weapons; People’s struggles in nuclear-armed and dependent countries

Special program: “Let’s convey Hibakusha’s voices across the world”:

Session 2: Achieving a Japan to join the TPNW – Presentation of grass-roots struggles

Relay speeches by representatives of Kyushu/Okinawa regions

Greetings from national government representative:

Proposal and adoption of the conference statement: “Letter from Nagasaki to All Governments of the World”
