Duong Thi Nga, Vietnam Peace Committee


Speech by Ms. Duong Thi Nga Vietnam Peace Committee

Distinguished delegates, Dear friends,

It is an honor to stand before this esteemed assembly of the World Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs, an established event that unite advocates, leaders, and visionaries from around the globe in the continuing pursuit of a world free from nuclear weapons. I am deeply moved to be the first time in Hiroshima, a city that, to my generation’s knowledge, symbolizes both the devastating consequences of nuclear warfare and the enduring hope for a world free from the threat of nuclear weapons.

Today, it is my privilege to present to the Japan Council Against A&H Bombs (Gensuikyo) the Solidarity Message from the President of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, showing our country’s strong commitment and support to the nuclear-weapon-free movement of the peoples of Japan and all over the world.

As Viet Nam has experienced the devastating ravages of war, we value peace and thus has emerged as a steadfast advocate for peace and nuclear disarmament. Vietnam is a proud signatory of the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and has ratified the Treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons (TPNW), reaffirming our commitment to a nuclear-free world. For decades, Viet Nam has been a vocal proponent against the use of force in any form, particularly the use of nuclear weapons, emphasizing peaceful resolution of conflicts through dialogue and international cooperation. Our country’s journey from war to peace has been marked by resilience, determination, and an unwavering commitment of its people, the Party and State to building independence, freedom, happiness and leave-no-one-behind for all, while, at the same time standing as a responsible and reliable partner in the international community.

Dear friends,

Today, we come together not only to remember the past but to forge a future where such atrocities are never repeated. Our presence here signifies a shared commitment to the abolition of nuclear weapons and the promotion of global peace and security. We stand united in our resolve to ensure that the lessons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are never forgotten. On behalf of the Viet Nam Peace Committee, I would like to express our profound solidarity with all the Hibakushas, whose suffering and loss of the past 80 years cannot be imagined and calculated for generations to come. We shared the same grieve in our country where millions of victims of Agent Orange are still struggling, despite the great efforts has been made in the past 50 years to overcome war consequences.

Distinguished guests,

The world we live today faces unprecedented dangers due to the complex competition among major powers, record level of military expenditure and the escalating risk of nuclear weapon use. Tensions are rising in critical regions, together with non-traditional security challenges like climate change, pandemics, terrorism, and food and energy security necessitate collaborative solutions from nations and international community.

My organization, the Vietnam Peace Committee has implemented several activities to advance disarmament, foster meaningful dialogue, and support enduring framework for regional peace, which I would like to share some with you today. Our works focus on awareness raising by developing a comprehensive peace education program that aim to cultivating a culture of peace among people, especially the youth, who will play a pivotal role in future disarmament efforts. These initiatives encompass curriculum development, leadership training, and workshops designed to educate students about disarmament, conflict resolution, and non-violence. We highlight the profound human, environmental, and economic consequences of nuclear warfare to foster a robust consensus for disarmament. We have also promoted peacebuilding efforts in the region by creating platforms for constructive dialogue and engagement and trust building among people’s organizations in the region. And last but not least, we provide our enduring support for war victims by advocating comprehensive assistance and rehabilitation for survivors, ensuring their voices are heard and their needs met.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The path to a nuclear-free world is fraught with obstacles, but it is a journey we must undertake with determination, courage, and collective resolve. The Vietnam Peace Committee remains unwavering in its commitment to this noble cause. We call upon all nations and peoples to join us in this vital

endeavor. Let us stand alongside the Hibakusha, victims of Agent Orange and other war victims, and together achieve a nuclear-free, peaceful, and just world – for the future of humanity and our planet.

Let unite our efforts, share our resources, and work collaboratively towards a world free from the shadow of nuclear weapons. Our commitment today will shape the world of tomorrow. Let us rise to the challenge and ensure a peaceful future for all!

Finally, may I extend my heartfelt appreciation to Gensuikyo for the hospitality and friendship. I wish all participants of the Conference good health and happiness.

Thank you very much for your attention!