To Lam, President, Socialist Republic of Vietnam


Hanoi, 31th July, 2024

To: World Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs 2024


I am very happy to convey my congratulations to the 2024 World
Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs, to be organized by the Japan
Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
Japan, on August 02-09, 2023. On behalf of the State and People of Viet Nam
and in my own name, I send to all the delegates participating in the Conference
my respectful and cordial greetings.

Nearly 80 years have passed since the atomic bomb disaster in 1945, with
tireless efforts, the World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs and
the Japanese and global peace movements have made significant contributions
to promoting the dissemination of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
in 1968 and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) in 2017.
These treaties have contributed to raising awareness and responsibility of the
international community in the fight for a peaceful world and eliminating
nuclear weapons globally.

However, the current complex and unpredictable developments in the
world and regions, strategic competition between major powers, militarization
and arms race, unilateral use of force and threatening to use force, increased
tensions, especially at hotspots, posing numerous risks, especially the risk of the use of nuclear weapons.

In this context, I do hope that this year’s World Conference Against
Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs will contribute to make important contributions to
promoting countries, especially nuclear-owned states, to sign and ratify the
TPNW; calling for nuclear-owned states to fulfill their obligations to maintain
international peace and security, safe environment for humanity; reaffirming the
solidarity and efforts to build a peaceful and nuclear-free, mass destruction
weapon-free world, on the basis of mutual understanding and respect, adhering
to the International Law and the United Nations Charter.

With an independent, self-reliant, peaceful, friendly, cooperative, and
development and multilateralism and diversification of international relations,
consistently advocating for comprehensive and complete nuclear disarmament,the State and People of Vietnam pledge to continue accompanying the Japanese
and global peace movements, supporting and participating in efforts to
eliminate nuclear weapons. We firmly believe that together we will create a
peaceful, stable, cooperative, and prosperous future for the region and the

On behalf of the State and People of Viet Nam, I once again express my
solidarity and support for the victims of atomic bombs, Agent Orange/dioxin
victims and all other victims of war. I express my sincere thanks to
organizations, peace movements and peace-loving people of Japan and the
world for having supported Viet Nam in its struggle for national independence
and reunification in the past, as well as its efforts in national construction and
defense at present.

I would like to convey to the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the
Japanese people, my sincere friendship and best wishes.

May I wish all participants in the Conference good health, peacefulness
and happiness.

May the conference be a great success.