Gensuikyo's National Conference Devoted to the 2005 Bikini Day
Keynote Speech
Hiroshi TAKA, Secretary General
Dear guests and delegates,
On behalf of the Japan Council against A and H Bombs (Gensuikyo),
I want to warmly welcome you to this Gensuikyo Conference.
Let Us Rally the Broadest Public Opinion of this A-bombed
Country in Support of the Call for "Abolition of Nuclear
Weapons, Now!"
Now, in this 60th year since the A-bombings of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki, people around the world are rising in action,
looking to the next Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty scheduled for May 2-27 in New York, and further to
the 60th year of the A-bomb tragedies of the two cities in
early August. The governments of the New Agenda Coalition
(NAC) and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) countries, the driving
force that enabled an agreement on the elimination of nuclear
weapons by the nuclear weapons states, five years ago, are
urging for the agreement to be seriously addressed. The Malaysian
government, on behalf of the Non-aligned Movement, is calling
for the start of negotiations on a treaty leading to the abolition
of nuclear weapons. As Ambassador De Alba of Mexico announced
in the 2004 World Conference against A and H Bombs, the Mexican
government will host a conference of the 108 nuclear weapons-free
zones member countries in April to press for the agreed items
of the previous NPT review conferences to be implemented.
To the call of the Mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for the
abolition of nuclear weapons by 2020, the conference of the
US mayors and many other local governments around the world
have expressed their support.
"Abolition 2000", the global network of the anti-nuclear
movements, and the World Social Forum held towards the end
of January in Porto Alegre appealed for a worldwide actions
on May 1, the eve of the next NPT Review Conference, and again
on August 6 and 9 this year. The United for Peace and Justice
of the USA and anti-nuclear peace movements around the world
are planning to rally in New York, as well as in many other
cities in the world for one common goal of "Abolition
of Nuclear Weapons, Now".
When the world stands for action, the role we should play
is clear. As a movement that has always worked with the Hibakusha
in calling for a total ban and the elimination of nuclear
weapons, let us join them by doing all that we can to swiftly
build up overwhelming public opinion demanding from the nuclear
weapons states the implementation of the "unequivocal
undertaking" of the abolition of nuclear weapons and
from the Japanese government a specific role to be played
to this end.
When the US conducted a hydrogen bomb test at the Bikini
Atoll on March 1 51 years ago, peace workers of those days
spared no time to rise in action. They collected over 32 million
signatures, which represented more than a half of the total
number of then Japanese voters. Their action encouraged people
in Japan and the world in the desire for a ban on nuclear
weapons. Based on this historic lesson of the Bikini Day,
let us concentrate our energy for the coming two months in
building anti-nuclear weapon consensus through the signature
campaign demanding "Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, Now",
and build mounting signatures in front of the UN Headquarters
on May 2, the first day of the next NPT Review Conference.
The Nuclear Policy of the US Administration Leads to Further
In the very closing year of the 20th century, which witnessed
the tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the humans finally
arrived at a vital conclusion embodied by the "unequivocal
undertaking" by Nuclear Five to accomplish the "Complete
Elimination" of nuclear weapons, which was agreed upon
by consensus by the 187 then NPT members. Then, why has it
not been implemented?
First, it is because the United States under the Bush Administration
has adopted the position that the military power is the only
guarantee to its own security, and that it will respond to
anyone to whom it choose to direct a spearhead at with the
overwhelming force, with all its options, conventional and
nuclear, on their table. It has given a new role to the nuclear
arsenal, and is working to render it "usable".
In fact, President Bush declared in his State of the Union
Address on Feb. 3 that it would indefinitely continue its
occupation and military operation in Iraq, added anew the
"tyranny" to its enemy list of "terrorists"
and those "seeking WMD", and boasted that "America
will stand with the allies,c with the ultimate goal of ending
tyranny in our world". Promoting the development of mini
nukes and the Missile Defense" program, the Bush Administration
has made clear that it would invalidate the agreements of
the previous NPT review conferences, including their undertaking
of the elimination of nuclear weapons and even their commitment
to Negative Security Assurance, the promise of no-use of nuclear
weapons against non-nuclear weapons states.
This position of reliance on the use of force and the nuclear
arsenals cannot but them to the further isolation from the
rest of the world and the subsequent bankruptcy. This has
been repeatedly proved by the overwhelming opposition of the
people throughout the world against the attack on Iraq, subsequent
quagmire in which the US forces are trapped in Iraq, and wide
spread opposition to the Bush Administration's nuclear policy.
In the session of the UN General Assembly in last December,
a resolution by the New Agenda Coalition emphasizing the "unequivocal
undertaking" by the nuclear weapons states obtained the
support from 151 countries as against mere 6 oppositions.
Even of the NATO members, many voted in favor. There is further
encouraging news. Two days ago, Canadian Prime Minister Paul
Martin announced that Canada refused to participate in the
US-led Missile Defense Program.
Let us accelerate this process. Building up the widest possible
support for a nuclear weapon-free world, let us move forward
toward opening a new page in history.
Getting Japan Out of "Nuclear Umbrella" to Make
It Contribute to a Nuclear Weapon-Free World
Another important task facing us is to make the Japanese
Government play a proper role in ridding the world of nuclear
Let us look at recent development. Early this month, Ambassador
Duarte of Brazil, who will preside the coming NPT review conference,
came to Japan as part of his plan to visit the US, Russia,
other nuclear weapons and non-nuclear states to ensure the
success in the review conference in terms of both nuclear
disarmament and non-proliferation. The Mexican Government
announced that it would host a conference of nuclear weapon-free
zones members in April. The mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
are busily visiting many countries to build momentum for the
abolition of nuclear weapons. But are these not the role to
be played by the Japanese Government, which is in a unique
position as one that represents the only A-bombed country,
which has the three non-nuclear principles of not possessing,
not manufacturing and not allowing the bringing-in of nuclear
weapons, and which has an obligation to abide by the Constitution
proclaiming the renunciation of war?
Actually, while speaking about the "undertaking"
of the abolition of nuclear weapons, the Japanese government
has never urged the nuclear weapons states to implement it.
Not only has it always cast abstention vote on the resolutions
calling for a treaty or even a negotiation for a ban on nuclear
weapons, but it even supports the policy of the "preemptive
use" of nuclear weapons and the use or threat of use
of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapons states. It
claims that such policies are justified as a part of the "nuclear
deterrence". It went as far as to ask the US Administration
to maintain the policy of the first use even if a concession
of North Korea was envisaged. It happed just prior to the
beginning of the Six party Talks on North Korea's nuclear
development issues.
At the recent talks of the Japan-US Security Consultative
Committee, the Japanese Government supported the Bush Administration's
world strategy on the ground that it was to cope with "international
terrorism and proliferation of WMD", and confirmed that
the Japan-US alliance would undertake a "global"
role. It promised to "introduce ballistic missile defense
systems" and cooperate with the "realignment for
the US force structure in Japan". As regards the nuclear
weapons issue, while giving no reference to the "elimination
of nuclear weapons", it promised to fully support and
cooperate with the US-led counter proliferation operations.
As for the nuclear development of North Korea, the development
of nuclear weapons, whether for "defense" or for
"deterrence", is totally unacceptable. We strongly
demand that North Korea should come back to the framework
of the Six Party Talks without delay and endeavor in good
faith for a nuclear weapon-free Korean peninsula.
At the same time, the whole process of the problem again
demonstrates that a total ban on nuclear weapons is the only
true solution to the nuclear proliferation issues. If one
clings to its own nuclear weapons, or relies on the so-called
"nuclear umbrellas" provided by a nuclear weapons
state and collaborate with a nuclear blackmailing, no one
else can be convinced by its call for the renunciation of
nuclear development. On the other hand, if the Nuclear Five,
having over 30,000 warheads around the world, switch the course
towards a total ban on nuclear weapons and actually set out
their effort, the current problem of nuclear proliferation
undoubtedly will move towards all out solution.
From this viewpoint, let us build up the broadest possible
opinion to urge the Japanese Government to endeavor for a
total ban on nuclear weapons and to move out of the US "nuclear
umbrella" by honoring the Japanese Constitution and enacting
the three non-nuclear principles into a binding law.
Worldwide Solidarity of Grassroots Movements to Bring
a Nuclear-Weapon Free World to Reality
Now I want to move to the proposals for action, which you
will discuss at this Gensuikyo Conference. I will make three
points as our priority activities discussed by the National
Directors Board meeting held in Tokyo early February.
First, we must build a broadest possible support for the abolition
of nuclear weapons by May 2, the first day of the review conference,
and make it reflected in the number of the signatures collected
in support of the "Abolition Now" petition. This
campaign is rapidly gathering momentum. Of nearly 3,000 Japanese
municipalities, the number of governors, mayors and chairpersons
of local assemblies who signed the petition have already exceeded
1150. High spirited campaigns with encouraging outcomes are
increasing. In Kumamoto, some 2,000 citizens signed in two
hours street signature drive on Feb. 6; in Imaichi, a conservative
area in Tochigi Prefecture, the mayor, local assembly members
and local government workers and the staff of the agricultural
cooperatives all appended their signatures. Each step taken
leads to bring about a change in region, country and the world.
Adding to this, I want to emphasize one more important role
played by the ban-A-&-bombs movement. Given the Self-Defense
Forces operating in Iraq and the dangerous move for revising
the Japanese Constitution, our movement must build up and
consolidate the public opinion for the abolition of nuclear
weapons and for peace to such extent that will help foil steps
that will get Japan into war. To block the road to war, let
us study, discuss and work very hard to collect the minimum
of 12 million signatures for the "Abolition, Now"
appeal, which will certainly reinforce the opinion in defense
of the Constitution.
Second is about our activities for the success in the 2005
World Conference against A and H Bombs in commemoration the
60th year of the A-bombings. If our present campaign bears
fruits, we will have a promising outcome in international
politics. Yet, if so, we will then need even bigger and stronger
movement to ensure that the outcome will be implemented. However,
if nuclear weapons states leaders are adamant in sticking
to their nuclear privileges and stay in a position of backlash
resisting the progress in history, we will have to build even
bigger and much stronger movement to further isolate them.
In either case, the 2005 World Conference must serve as a
place to generate broader cooperation between governments,
local governments, NGOs and anyone else that stands for the
abolition of nuclear weapons, as well as the broadest possible
solidarity between grassroots peace movements worldwide. I
want to take the liberty to call on every organization and
individual who desire for the elimination of nuclear weapons
to promote cooperation between us beyond differences of opinion
and beyond any other past problems.
I also ask you that through the signature campaigns, peace
marches and all other activities leading to the World Conference,
you will form, activate or strengthen the local Gensuikyo
at each region, so that it will ensure vibrant and joyful
As the last point to be made, I want to make a special appeal
for your support of the Hibakusha in their lawsuits demanding
the state recognition of their disease as having been caused
by the atom bombs. The lawsuits are filed by 166 sufferers
in 18 prefectures. Their aim is at an improved Hibakusha-aid
administration, but in a larger sense, through their lawsuits
they want to make known to the whole human race that humans
cannot coexist with nuclear weapons. With the prevention of
nuclear war and the elimination of nuclear weapons, the "relief
and solidarity with the Hibakusha" is one of our three
basic objectives. As such organization carrying these goals,
let us respond to their intense desire, by ensuring their
appeal to be heard on every available occasion, collecting
signatures in support of their lawsuits and organizing fundraising
at every place where Gensuikyo is present. I conclude my report
by hoping you will have pleasant, joyful and encouraging discussions
for two days from now. /c