International Meeting
2004 World Conference against A & H Bombs
H.E. Hussein Haniff
Ambassador and permanent representative of Malaysia to the United
Nations in Vienna
1. Malaysia believes that nuclear disarmament is a paramount disarmament
concern. The world community, especially the nuclear weapon states
has the obligation to ensure the end of the nuclear arms race and
the phasing-out of nuclear weapons.
2. Malaysia calls upon the nuclear weapon states to fulfill its
obligation under Article VI of the NPT and live up to its commitments
on nuclear disarmament. In this regard, it is important that the
nuclear weapon states commit themselves to nuclear disarmament through
a phased programme of reduction of their nuclear arsenals within
a specified framework of time, culminating in their total elimination.
3. Malaysia views the NPT as a universal regime established by
the international community to stem the spread of nuclear weapons.
It sets the standard that considers weapons proliferation as a threat
to international security. Malaysia is of the view that NPT States
Parties should actively promote the universality of the Treaty,
which is the cornerstone of international peace and security. We
are of the view that it is the responsibility of all NPT States
Parties to pursue activities aimed at the eventual universality
of the Treaty.
Nuclear Disarmament
1. Malaysia is concerned over the slow pace of progress towards
nuclear disarmament which remains its highest priority.
2. Malaysia expresses its concern on the lack of progress by the
Nuclear Weapon States to accomplish the elimination of their arsenals
leading to nuclear disarmament.
3. Malaysia underscores the need to accomplish the total elimination
of nuclear weapons and emphasizes, in this regard, the urgent need
to commence negotiations without delay.
Defence Doctrines
1. Malaysia remains deeply concerned at strategic defence doctrines
that set out rationales for the use of nuclear weapons. The end
of the Cold War has not removed the danger of nuclear catastrophe.
In fact, in some situations and in the context of emerging security
doctrines including pre-emptive doctrine, the risks of a conflict
involving nuclear weapons may have increased.
2. With regard to the Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) undertaken by
the US, Malaysia is seriously concerned over that the development
of new types of nuclear weapons that are being considered under
the NPR and wish to reiterate that the provision for the use or
threat of use of nuclear weapons against Non-Nuclear Weapon States
is in contravention of the negative security assurances that have
been provided by the Nuclear Weapons States.
3. Malaysia emphasizes that the development of new types of nuclear
weapons is in contravention with the assurances provided by the
Nuclear Weapons States at the time of the conclusion of the Comprehensive
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty that the Treaty would prevent the improvement
of existing nuclear weapons and development of new types of nuclear
4. The Nuclear Weapon States must find other means of achieving
security other than through doctrine of nuclear deterrence.
Moscow Treaty
1. Malaysia while noting the signing of the Strategic Offensive
Reduction Treaty (SORT) between the Russian Federation and the United
States (Moscow Treaty) on 24 May 2002, emphasizes that reductions
in deployments and in operational status cannot substitute for irreversible
cuts in, and the total elimination of, nuclear weapons. The treaty
lacks timelines, verification and irreversible measures.
Conference on Disarmament
1. Malaysia reaffirms the importance of the Conference on Disarmament
(CD) as the sole multilateral negotiating body on disarmament.
2. Malaysia deeply regrets that the continued inflexible postures
of some of the Nuclear Weapon States continue to prevent the Conference
on Disarmament from establishing an Ad Hoc Committee on Nuclear
Disarmament. In this regard, Malaysia is disappointed that no progress
has been made in the fulfillment of this obligation despite the
lapse of eight years.
3. Malaysia underscores the necessity to start negotiations on
a phased programme for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons
with a specified framework of time, including a Nuclear Weapons
4. Malaysia calls on the CD to establish as soon as possible and
as the highest priority, an Ad Hoc Committee on Nuclear Disarmament.
Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT)
1. Malaysia supports the establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee under
agenda item 1 of the CD entitled gCessation of the nuclear arms
race and nuclear disarmamenth which shall negotiate a non-discriminatory,
multilateral, internationally and effectively verifiable treaty
banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or
other nuclear explosive devices. In this regard, Malaysia is of
the view that the proposed FMCT should not only include future production
of fissile material but also existing stocks.
ICJ Advisory Opinion
1. Malaysia underscores once again the unanimous conclusion of
the International Court of Justice that there exists an obligation
to pursue in good faith and to bring to a conclusion negotiations
leading to nuclear disarmament in all its aspects under strict and
effective international control.
2. Malaysia again calls for an international conference, at the
earliest possible date, with the objective of arriving at an agreement
on a phased programme for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons
with a specified framework of time to eliminate all nuclear weapons,
to prohibit their development, production, acquisition, testing,
stockpiling, transfer, use or threat of use, and to provide for
their destruction.
Security Assurances
1. Malaysia reiterates that the total elimination of nuclear weapons
is the only absolute guarantee against the use or threat of use
of nuclear weapons.
2. Pending the total elimination of nuclear weapons, efforts for
the conclusion of a universal, unconditional and legally binding
instrument on security assurances to Non-Nuclear-Weapon States should
be pursued as a matter of priority.
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty (CTBT)
1. Malaysia is opposed to nuclear tests undertaken by any country
and strongly supports the overwhelming international opinion against
such test.
2. Malaysia stresses the significance of achieving universal adherence
to the CTBT, including by all the Nuclear Weapons States, which,
interalia, should contribute to the process of nuclear disarmament.
3. Malaysia believes that if the objectives of the Treaty were
to be fully realized, the continued commitment of all States signatories,
especially the Nuclear Weapon States, to nuclear disarmament would
be essential.
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones
1. Malaysia believes that the establishment of nuclear-weapon-free
zones will enhance global and regional peace, strengthens the nuclear
non-proliferation regime and contributes towards realizing the objectives
of nuclear disarmament.
2. Malaysia considers the establishment of nuclear-weapon-free
zones (NWFZs) created by the treaties of Tlatelolco, Rarotonga,
Bangkok and Pelindaba as a positive step towards attaining the objective
of global nuclear disarmament.
3. Malaysia welcomes efforts aimed at establishing new nuclear-weapons-free
zones in all regions based on agreements freely arrived at between
the States of the region concerned.
4. In the context of nuclear-weapon-free zones, Malaysia believes
that it is essential that Nuclear Weapon States provide unconditional
assurances against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons to
all States of the zone.
5. Malaysia calls upon States to conclude agreements with a view
to establishing new nuclear-weapon-free zones in regions where they
do not exist especially in volatile regions such as the Middle East,
South Asia and North-East Asia.
6. Malaysia supports Mongoliafs nuclear-weapon-free status and considered
that the institutionalization of that status would be an important
measure towards strengthening the non-proliferation regime in that
7. Malaysia welcomes Cubafs ratification to the Tlatelolco Treaty
which brought it into full force in its area of application.
8. Malaysia welcomes the on-going consultations between ASEAN and
the Nuclear Weapons States (NWS) on the Protocol of Southeast Asian
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ) Treaty and urges the NWS to become
parties to the Protocol of the Treaty as soon as possible.
9. Malaysia welcomes the decision by all five Central Asian States
to sign the Central Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty as soon
as possible.
10. Malaysia supports the initiative to convene an international
conference of the States parties, ratifiers and signatories to the
treaties of Tlatelolco, Rarotonga, Bangkok and Pelindaba to discuss
and implement further ways and means of co-operation among themselves,
their treaty agencies and other interested States, at an appropriate
Universality of the NPT
1. Malaysia calls upon the three countries remaining outside the
NPT namely India, Israel and Pakistan to accede to the NPT as Non-Nuclear
Weapon States.
Withdrawal of DPR Korea from the NPT
1. Malaysia is concerned over the withdrawal of DPRK from the NPT
and the serious implications that would bring to the NPT following
the withdrawal of the DPRK from the treaty.
2. Malaysia urges the Parties directly concerned to resolve the
issue through peaceful dialogue and negotiations.
Hiroshima, Japan
2nd August 2004.