2004 World Conference against A &
H Bombs - Nagasaki
Aug. 9, 2004
1:00 - 3:30
Nagasaki City Gymnisium
1:00 Opening Remark: Kawai Tomoyasu, Steering Committee
Minute of silence for the A-bomb victims
Appointment of Chairpersons
- Romesh Chandra: President of Honour, World Peace Council
- Baibon Sangid: Chairperson, Young Moro Professional Network, PHILIPPINES
- Kan Masakazu (Mr.): Nagasaki Organizing Committee, President of
Federation of Democratic Medical Institutions (Nagasaki MIN-IREN)
- Ozawa Kazuaki (Mr.): Representative Director, Fukuoka Council
against A & H
Introduction of Overseas Delegates
Please go up on the stage as being introduced, and go down. Thank
you. J
Message from Heads of States
- Uchida Takeshi: Steering Committee member
1:15 Address of the Organizer
- Prof. Anzai Ikuro: Chairperson of the Drafting Committee
1:30 Speeches
- Mr. Gerald OfBrien:
President of Honour, Peace Council of Aotearoa-New Zealand
- Ms. Alicia Silverthorne:
Hiroshima-Nagasaki Peace Committee of the National Capital Area
- Mr. Alfred Marder:
President, US Peace Council/ United for Peace and Justice/ Vice-President,
International Association of Peace Messengers Cities
- Ms. Milya Kavirova:
Chairperson, Chelyabinsk Nuclear Victims Organization gAIGULh, RUSSIA
- Mr. Sukla Sen: National
Coordination Committee Member, Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament
- Mr. Benjamin Moxham: Research Associate, Focus on the Global South
- Mr. Yamaguchi Senji, Japan Confederation of A & H Bomb Suffers
2:10 Struggle for Justice: Hibakusha speak
- Mr. Faisal Baloch:
Program Coordinator, Balochistan Witness, PAKISTAN
- Mr. Channa Basavaiah
Madapathi: National Committee Member, Anti-Uranium Mining Alliance
- Concerted A-bomb lawsuits for the official recognition of A-bomb
2:35 Nagasaki Appeal for the Abolition of
Nuclear Weapons, Now!
- Struggle of Sasebo, Okinawa and Yoikosuka against US military
- Signature drive: gAbolition of Nuclear Weapons, Now!h
- Future is in our hand - Presentation by young people from across
Remarks by Government Representatives
- Amb. Hussein Haniff, Ambassador of Malaysia to Austria/ Permanent
Representative of Malaysia to the United Nations in Vienna
- Amb. Luis Alfonso de Alba: Permanent Representative of Mexico
to the United
3:10 Proposal of Actions and Resolution
- Ms. Takada Kimiko: President, New Japan Womenfs Association (SINFUJIN)
- Mr. Ohya Masato: Drafting Committee Member
3:25 Closing Remark
- Mr. Sato Mitsuo: Board of Directors, Japan Peace Committee
4:00-4:15 Nagasaki Day Street Signature Campaign (Kurogane Bridge)