International Meeting

World Conference against A & H Bombs

Nasigul Suttibaeva      

Program Coordinator, Union of Nuclear Test Victims gIRISh



Dear ladies and gentlemen. Japan friends.

Itfs a great honour to be here on the world of rising sun – in Japan. I wished to visit your country, to see your towns, which suffering 1945, remember those people who was dieing during the atomic bombing.

Ifm living and working in Semipalatinsk. I think that every Japan is knowing about Semipalatinsk, as wefre knowing about your suffering towns Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I am representing Union of Nuclear Test@Victims – IRIS

As it known between 1949 and 1989 on the territory of the Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan nuclear ground 470 nuclear explosions were set off. Among these: 90 atmospheric, 26 surface and 354 are underground explosions. The surface and atmospheric explosions were conducting till 1963. This explosions reserve the radiation contamination on the territory of Kazakhstan. Polygon – closed! But the tragedy is continued up to this day on the earth of Semipalatinsk.

The purpose of our organization to help the suffering families, especially for children. Working in this organization, I am – like mother, I canft quietly look on the children illnesses and their mothers suffering. We try to help such families, we send ill children abroad  to have medical  treatment in German, Russia, besides we try conduct some  classes of ecological education  for youth . Our inter- republican organization Union of Nuclear Test Victims with the financial support of humanistic institute Hivos, Holland, has been carrying out the program Womenfs health is nation health. We have inspected three regions attached to the testing ground and convicted that the consequence of the nuclear testing would took place in future generation of Kazakhstan. Currently the most moral and material support we receive from Japan organizations.

I want to say Great thanks to Japan people, thanks to the organization Gensuike. On present-day conference participate the delegations from many different countries to whom not indifferent the fate of the population of our planet.

I want to finish with such words  when We are -united, We are –unconquerable.