International Meeting
World Conference against A and H Bombs
Praful Bidwai
National Coordination Committee member, Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament
and Peace (CNDP)
Lessons from South Asia's Nuclearlisation
A little over four years after they crossed the nuclear threshold, India and
Pakistan are again perched precariously at the brink of war. Conditions along
their common border have been frightfully tense for seven months. And yet,
they have not begun to de-escalate the military build-up, said to be the world's
biggest mobilisation of troops since World War II.
India and Pakistan have become less, not more, secure thanks to their nuclear
weapons. In recent months, they twice came close to a bloody confrontation,
during which even a "limited" conventional conflict was
liable to escalate to the nuclear plane. On both occasions, at the end of
January and in late June, it is external intervention alone that prevented
armed hostilies from breaking out.
Neither state has learnt any lessons from their major conflict three
years ago at Kargil, at the Line of Control in Kashmir. This was the world's
greatest-ever conventional war between two nuclear weapons-states, involving
40,000 Indian troops and hundreds of air sorties, besides top-of-the-line
armaments in both countries. More than 1,000 men died in the seven-week-long
undeclared war.
The danger of another, probably much more destructive, war has not passed.
The spectre of a nuclear catastrophe will continue to haunt South Asia until
India and Pakistan demobilise their troops and launch a process of dialogue
and mutual reconciliation.
The context for this seven months-long eyeball-to eyeball confrontation was
set by September 11 and the armed attack of December 13 on India's Parliament
by militants, claimed to be Pakistanis. This inspired the Vajpayee government's
post-December 13 strategy of brinkmanship, best seen as an attempt to
capitalise on the "anti-terrorist" climate created by September
11 and its aftermath, in order to isolate Pakistan and move closer to the
India has maintained its huge military mobilisation at an enormous cost, but
without clarity about its larger political purpose. Soon after December 13,
it handed over a list of 20 wanted "terrorists" in imperious
American fashion to Islamabad. But this was sloppily prepared. New Delhi
then sent out contradictory signals about the "bottom-line" for
de-escalation: "action" on the 20, or a serious commitment by Pervez
Musharraf to effectively prevent the transit of jehadi militants across the
Thus, if Musharraf has not conducted himself honourably or with exemplary
honesty in the past few months, nor has the Vajpayee government. Nerw Delhi
has failed to reciprocate Islamabad's move of early July promising to
end "cross-border infiltration" of militants into Kashmir verifiably
and "permanently". It has only taken paltry and token measures,
thus allowing tensions to run high.
Above all, it has refused a dialogue on Kashmir with Pakistan.
Even more questionable than this response is the original strategy of brinkmanship
itself, fraught with the grave risk of a large-scale confrontation, whether
by accident or through passive acceptance of the logic of retaliation. Once
troops are on hair-trigger alert, even a minor untoward incident can precipitate
a snowballing crisis.
Two such events actually happened in the recent past. First, a corps commander
moved his troops next to the border, suggesting imminent strikes. And
then, an Air Marshal unauthorisedly flew a transport aircraft into Pakistani
airspace, absorbed a hit, and returned to the home side. Either of these events
could have been seen as grave provocation and invited a retaliatory response,
which might have triggered off major hostilities. That is how wars often start.
What gives such a confrontation a particularly dangerous character is that
both states have nuclear weapons. They are planning to induct them into their
armed forces, by raising special squadrons and missile groups, and by creating
dedicated command structures. (Pakistan is reportedly more advanced in such
preparations than India).
Nuclear weapons will necessarily act as a vastly complicating factor in any
subcontinental military conflict, however limited or extended. Their shadow
will always hang over the peoples of India and Pakistan, indeed all South
Asia. The danger is not imaginary.
The CIA's "Global Threat 2015" report says that of all the world's
regions, the risk of nuclear war is the
highest in South Asia, and will remain "serious".
Testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee on February 7 and the
Senate Arms Services Committee on March 20, CIA director George Tenet said
the chances of a sub-continental war "now are the highest since 1971".
He also testified: "if India were to conduct large-scale offensive operations
into Pakistani Kashmir, Pakistan might retaliate with strikes of its own in
the belief that its nuclear deterrent would limit the scope of an Indian nuclear
One of India's few genuine, thoughtful, strategic experts, General V.R. Raghavan,
concurs. He argues that a conventional conflict with Pakistan is likely to
escalate to the nuclear level because of the absence of a stable deterrent
relationship between India and Pakistan.
We know from the history of the Cold War that there never was a stable, long-term
nuclear deterrent equation between East and West, or the US and the USSR.
Deterrence was always fraught with mishaps, accidents, misperceptions, panic
responses--and above all, an arms race which altered the balance of power,
and hence the deterrent equation. As more than 60 generals and admirals have
said in a famous statement, security via deterrence was always a dangerous
The India-Pakistan situation is worse. Soth Asia is the only region
in the world where the same two strategic rivals have fought a continuous
hot-cold war for more than half-a-century. Any number of causes can set off
a military confrontation here: routine army exercises, territorial incursions
(or fear of these), long-standing disputes, extra-regional events, or purely
internal developments (e.g. the demolition of the Ayodhya mosque by
Hindu fundamentalists in 1992).
Our rulers have learnt few lessons from the three and a half wars they have
fought. The large-scale conflict at Kargil occurred after the two crossed
the nuclear threshold. This gave the lie to all kinds of romantic prophecies
made by the Bomb's apologists about nuclearisation inducing "sobriety"
and "maturity" in India-Pakistan relations.
Kargil was a much more dangerous conflict than was made out, and far graver
than many people thought. It ominously confirms the truth that the chances
of a nuclear outbreak are higher in a conflict/war situation rather than in
India and Pakistan exchanged nuclear threats no fewer than 13 times during
that conflict.
There is more bad news. A sensational disclosure by Bruce Riedel, the US President's
Special Assistant for Northeastern and South Asia Affairs at the National
Security Council in 1999, says Pakistan's generals prepared to launch a nuclear
attack on India without the knowledge of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Riedel's
paper contains hair-raising information.
* US intelligence had gathered "disturbing information about Pakistan
preparing its nuclear arsenal". The weapons were mobilised for actual
use. Riedel and other officials feared India and Pakistan "were heading
for a deadly descent into full-scale conflict, with a danger of nuclear cataclysm". Clinton
eventually confronted Sharif.
* Pakistan's elected Prime Minister was totally unaware of his army's nuclear
preparations--just as he had been kept in the dark on the strategy of infiltrating
jehadi "freedom-fighters" across the LoC. Sharif was first told
the terrible nuclear truth by Clinton on July 4in Washington.
* Pakistan's army arrogates to itself all control over information about the
country's nuclear activities--to the point of shutting out civilian leaders.
Earlier, Benazir Bhutto too had to beg the CIA to brief her on
Islamabad's nuclear capability. Her own army denied her that information--although
she was Prime Minister!
* When reminded by Clinton of how close the US and the USSR had come close
to nuclear war over Cuba in 1962, an "exhausted" Sharif recognised
the "catastrophic" danger, and "said he was against [the preparations],
but worried for his life back in Pakistan". Sharif agreed to end the
Kargil conflict--much to Pervez Musharraf's annoyance. The October coup followed.
These disclosures are an eye-opener. It is futile to use them to highlight
how irresponsible and adventurist Pakistan's military leaders are, and how
their irrational calculations could start a nuclear conflict. This can only
give the Indian public cold comfort.
For it is India's leadership which cajoled, taunted and chided Pakistan into
crossing the nuclear threshold four years ago. Sharif decided to conduct the
blasts only after India's hawkish home minister L.K. Advani made his May 18,
1998 speech on Kashmir, about the changed "geostrategic situation",
which now gave India decisive superiority.
It is these same adventurists, these narrow-minded, provincial, ill-informed,
incompetent bigots, who might inflict on their people yet another misadventure
"limited" strikes, which could escalate and turn them all
into specks of radioactive dust. They must be restrained, prevented, stopped.
Meanwhile, one lesson is clear: India and Pakistan will not gain security
through nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons don't give security; they generate
insecurity. This is true of South Asia--with a vengeance. The only way
in which my part of the world will become free of the danger of a nuclear
Armageddon is through its complete denuclearisation. This can no longer wait.
But it can only happen if the Great Powers stop mollycoddling Vajpayee and
Musharraf, especially Vajpayee, for their own narrow and parochial short-term