Message to the 2002 World Conference against A & H Bombs
National Governments
Tran Duc Luong, President
On the occasion of the 2002 World Conference against A & H Bombs to be held in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan from August 2nd to 9th, 2002, on behalf of the Vietnamese people and in my own name, I would like to send to the Conference, the International and Japanese delegates our warm greetings.
Being a nation which has suffered hardship and great loss in the struggle for national independence, we share sympathies and fully support the justice struggle of the people, progressive and peace forces in Japan and the world over, calling for the prevention of nuclear war, demanding total ban and elimination of nuclear weapons and other mass destructive weapons; supporting and demanding compensation for victims of nuclear weapons.
We take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to the people and peace forces of Japan and the world over for their precious support to the Vietnamese people in the struggle for national independence before and for the present cause of peaceful constructions of our country.
We believe that the Conference will be a success and it will encourage the peace movement, progressive-peace forces in Japan, of the region and of the world over in common struggle for peace, stability, cooperation and sustainable development.
May the Conference be a great success!
May the friendship relation for peace, cooperation and development between the Vietnamese people and the Japanese people be consolidated and develop with every passing day.
Since my message to you at the World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs last year, several events have clearly reminded all of us of the prevailing global threat of weapons of mass destruction. Iraq still refuses to co-operate with the United Nations Security Council and permit the weapons experts back. India and Pakistan have been dangerously close to war. Ballistic missile tests are carried out, and plans on a nationally established strategic missile defence risk having undesirable consequences for non-proliferation and disarmament efforts. It is therefore of utmost importance for politicians around the world to listen and learn from the experiences of the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki who suffered from the effects caused by nuclear weapons. The dedicated work of people like yourself inspires Sweden and others in our efforts to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons.
The future for all of us will depend on our ability and willingness to find common solutions to global challenge. This is evident no least after the terrorist attacks on September 11 last year, which exposed how vulnerable the open society is to the brutal attacks of fanatic movements, supported and equipped by states and individuals who do not share our common democratic values. Such threats can only be met through international co-operation. Our joint struggle against terrorism shows the power of common efforts.
The 2000 NPT agreement, including an unequivocal undertaking by the nuclear-weapons-states to accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals, is a blueprint to achieve nuclear disarmament. Sweden together with The New Agenda Coalition – a group of states with a common vision of a nuclear free world – was very active in reaching this agreement. Now we are determined to work for its implementation in the review cycle leading up to the 2005 NPT Review Conference.
The multilateral approach can and must be complemented with bilateral and unilateral efforts. The agreements reached by President Bush and President Putin on a new strategic relationship between the United States and Russia, and on major reductions of their strategic nuclear arsenal are steps in the right direction. We must urge them to move even further. In this context the importance of irreversibility and transparency should be highlighted.
It is high time to reinforce and fully implement the means at our disposal in order to achieve nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. In conclusion, let me express Swedenfs deep respect for and admiration of your work. If we all work together there is hope of a world free of nuclear weapons.
Khamtai Siphandon, President
I am pleased to contribute a message to the World Conference Against Atomic and hydrogen Bombs that will be held in Hiroshima and Nagasaki from 2 to 9 August 2002. I would like to commend the Organising Committee for organizing this Conference which is important in reminding us of the great folly of nuclear warfare that happened in these two cities in August 1945 and to learn from that tragic experience.
Despite the end of the cold war, the threat posed by nuclear weapons in more acute and entrenched than it was before. Today, the arsenal of nuclear weapons in the world is vast and the capability of these weapons has advanced scientifically in leaps and bounds, dwarfing the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The challenge to create a world that is free from the threat of nuclear weapons has never been greater now with the emergence of terrorism. Terrorist acts carried out with weapons of mass destruction would inflict far greater devastation and loss of lives.
There is an urgent need for the world community to accelerate the process of nuclear disarmament. The long-term goal of the international community must remain the total elimination of nuclear weapons. At the same time, the search for genuine measures for disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons must remain the highest priority on the global disarmament agenda.
We must continue to be vigilant to the dangers of nuclear war and give our continued and firm support to the global disarmament campaign, of which this Conference provides the moral force.
I am pleased to extend my warm greetings to all participants attending the 2002 World Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs and wish the Conference every success.
New Zealand
Helen Clark, Prime Minister
The New Zealand government strongly supports the theme of this yearfs World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs being held in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The symbolism of holding the conference in the cities destroyed by nuclear blasts is powerful. Fifty-seven years on, the threat of nuclear destruction still caste a shadow over us all. Last year during an official visit to Japan. I made a symbolic and moving visit to the Hiroshima Peace Park. Monuments like the park remind us of the awful killing potential of nuclear weapons.
There are, however, grounds for hope. New Zealand and like-minded countries continue to push strongly for the abolition of nuclear weapons. Importantly, the New Agenda grouping of nations devoted to this aim bridges the traditional north-south divide, and has escaped the old straitjackets of the East-West and North-South divides. The desire for a nuclear-free world is a unifying force, transcending our differences in ethnicity, history, and wealth.
New Zealand, and the many people, organisations and countries which support the goal of a nuclear free world, want to build an international order based on peaceful relations between people achieved through trust and mutual respect rather than suspicion and hostility.
We will continue to play a leading role in the promotion of a nuclear free world. The Non-Proliferation Treaty commits the established nuclear weapons states to epursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international controlf. New Zealand, in multilateral forums such as the United Nations and the South Pacific Forum, and in our bilateral relations with the nuclear weapon states, will vigorously raise these issues. Our goal is straightforward: a nuclear weapon-free world.
We wish the conference well in its deliberations.
South Africa
Dr. Krish Mackerdhuj, ambassador
Few people in the world are unaware of the devastation and tragic loss of life that took place when Hiroshima fell victim to the first atomic bomb on 6 August 1945. However, today, more than fifty years later, the world still continues to live under the threat of nuclear that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. While other types of weapons of mass destruction, such as chemical and biological weapons, have been banned, nuclear weapons have not, thus leaving the international community with a real challenge. The true challenge for us all is to find security in nuclear disarmament, rather than in the possession and use of nuclear weapons. Our ultimate objective should be a world free of nuclear weapons and the threat of nuclear holocaust.
Since its inauguration in May 1994, the South African Government has committed itself to a policy of non-proliferation, disarmament and arms control, which covers all weapons of mass destruction. This policy forms an integral part of its commitment to democracy, human rights, sustainable development, social justice and environmental protection. South Africa therefore shares the international communityfs concern about the spread of nuclear weapons and supports all bilateral and multilateral initiatives to prevent the proliferation and development of such weapons on the one hand, and to promote total disarmament of these weapons on the other.
South Africafs position of disarmament, and particularly on nuclear disarmament, is a principled one. We turned away from the edge of the nuclear weapons abyss by destroying our nuclear weapons and becoming a Party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) because we saw our security being guaranteed by its provisions. South Africa therefore finds itself in a unique position as being the first country in history to have unilaterally and voluntarily dismantled its nuclear weapons capability. Our experience has demonstrated that nuclear weapons are not the source of security that those who possess or aspire to possess them seem to believe they are. Nuclear weapons are in fact sources of greater insecurity, and the threat of indiscriminate and large-scale annihilation that these weapons pose to the interests and survival of humanity as a whole, is very real.
As a responsible country, South Africa will continue to play an active role in international fora together with other like-minded members of the international community—to rid the world of weapons of mass destruction. This is a reflection of the desire and intention of our people to strive towards a world of greater peace and security and to ensure that we have a legacy of peace to pass on to our children. Because the danger of a nuclear holocaust remains very real and serious, it is fitting that at this Conference we rededicate ourselves to the total eradication of nuclear weapons and all weapons of mass destruction.
I wish the participants in the 2002 World Conference Against Atomic & Hydrogen Bombs every success with their endeavours.
I thank you.
The message of Hibakusha is now even more important. It has become a matter of urgency that the peoples of the world realize the horror of even a limited nuclear exchange.
The message of Hibakusha must be heeded.
As the manufacture, selling and usage of all weapons which kill our own Human Kind, and Naturefs other Lifeforms, continues to receive monies, while the 2002 World Conference against A & H Bombs brings together so many People from around the World, please bring attention to the warmongering powers which allows the propogation of murderous intent for whatever purpose that All Peoples so involved, move forward into the Universal Pulse for Peace, Peacefully together, in Harmony with the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, into a Peace Policy EXCLUDING DOMINATING FORCES OF ANY KIND, BUT AS PEOPLE TOGETHER.
Arthur Quinn, Waiwhetu-Lower Hutt Peace Group
Greeting Friends,
At the beginning of the 21st century we face the danger of a single world super power, armed as it is with an abundance of nuclear weapons and the arrogance of unchallenged authority, a heady brew that cannot be allowed a endanger to the human race and the planet.
People around the world are questioning the rationality of a country that shouts loudly about others who might or might not possess weapons of mass destruction, yet at the same time openly states its willingness to a efirst strikef on the flimsiest of evidence.
The coming year will test our resolve to choose the path of human compassion, and by so doing work to alleviate poverty, ignorance and conflict or blindly follow those who would rule the world by the gun and the bomb. Our path is clear; nuclear weapons and those who possess them must be abandoned to the rubbish bin of history.
We shall continue top play our humble part in eliminating all weapons of mass destruction. We shall be dedicating our regular weekly radio broadcast on 2GLF, a Sydney based community radio station, to the exposure and condemnation of nuclear weapons and those who use them to stand over and above those who do not.
May we wish you and all our brothers and sisters in action the very best wishes for the year ahead. Now is the time to renew our commitment to the elimination of these weapons of mass destruction, and bring some sanity to the world.
PND (W.A.) wish you a successful Conference. We hope – and work for a peaceful World free from nuclear weapons. We also condemn the militarization of Space. Keep Space for Peace.
Marshall Islands
Glann Lews, Bikini Atoll Local Government
gLetfs us stand together and campaign against A & H Bombs.h
Show that we are united with you in encouraging for a better and peaceful world that is free of Atomic and Hydrogen bomb. We strongly believe in a war-free and peaceful world.
1. Fiji Veterans support Gensuikyo/Conference 2002 effort to reduce and eliminate nuclear danger/damages to the present and future World population.
2. Conference strive to persuade our national Government to eliminate all nuclear weapons. Reduce Defence budget, for national security only. Instead increase Poverty Alleviation budget to tackle all forms of unrest globally.
The Philippine bishops are for peace. We pray for a world at peace. We dedicate our lives for reconciliation among peoples. We join all persons of good will in this sublime effort to eliminate atomic and hydrogen bombs in the military arsenal of nations. Humanity to be civilized needs to with itself of the barbarity of nuclear war.
Karlina Leksono, National Commission on Violence against Women
Today I received your fax via Suara Ibu Peduli, Jakarta, concerning the invitation to The 2002 World Conference against A and H Bombs. I thank you very much for your kind invitation.
Earlier this month I received the information from Prof. Saparinah Sadli and Dr. Melani Budianta from the National Commission on Violence against Women.
Though I am very much interested in the subject and very eager to participate, I am at the moment in a very restricted physical ability due to a small accident that affected my spinal column. It would not be possible for me to travel to Japan in August.
I am very sorry if this will cause an inconvenience to you.
I thank you very much for your attention, and wish you all the best for the conference.
a) The Nuclear Power Nations are always neglecting our Peace Demand. We should put out our voice more forecefully.
b) Awareness of horror and devastation of Nuclear weapons and Anti-nuclear Feeling should be grown up in the grass-root level in all countries.
c) We must organize gWorld Peace Dayh & gAntinuclear Dayh – two separate days all over the world.
Hiranya Lal Shrestha, Afro-Asian Peoples Solidarity Committee of Nepal
We wish every success of the 2002 world conference against A&H bombs. There is a need for complete disarmament including denuclearization & dismantling of military bases. Prevention of war is not enough, there is a need to build peace in the world. Elimination of nuclear weapons is a must not to repeat Hiroshima & Nagasaki carnage. We support and express solidarity for Hibakusha, A-bomb victims. We are committed to work together for a peaceful and promising world without nuclear weapons.
Shiva Skiestha, Save the World
We hope that the world conference against A & H bombs will be more effective to aware the people of the world. We do solidarity for your any activities taken by you against the nuclear weapons.
Hold your devilismc lash away
All the steps against peace and humanity
O, created beings –
Let the earth know
We are the bestc We are in peace!
Live together in peace with one another as good neighbours.
55 years ago, for the first time, and hopefully never again, atom bombs triggered devastating destruction and unbearable sufferings on the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Memories of that fateful day live beyond Hibakusha. All peace-loving peoples whose number is growing exponentially around the world are committed to work for a world free of nuclear and biological weapons. The ever growing participation in the Annual World Conference against A & H Bombs, since its first meeting in 1955 and the popularity of peoplesf movements that work for world peace in regions and countries across the globe is the clear demonstration of the growing resistance to nuclear weapons.
Many governments and regimes – democratic or otherwise, however, are developing nuclear weapons and delivery systems many times more powerful and devastating than those used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The jingoistic approach of the Pakistani military regime justifying its option for first use of atom bombs against India and the stance of Prime Minister Vajpayee of India favouring conditional use of atomic weapons portends what is in store for the future in south Asian region.
The growing unilateralism of the United States Government in developing, stockpiling and putting in place delivery systems in combination with treaty providing for U. S. military presence in most countries around the world is the major threat to world peace. The declaration of President Bush of the United States that gall optionsh are on the table against what he calls gaxis of evilh is a clear indication of war call against any country in the name of fighting terrorism. The greatest threat to world peace in recent history has always been the United States Government. Peace initiative and World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs must give more thrust in promoting and mobilising mass movements for peace in the United States. Mass movements in each country may work for dismantling of the U. S. military bases in the respective country and a call from the Conference for such a program of action would be most appropriate.
On behalf of the Centre of Indian Unions, I send warm greetings of the workers from India to the 2002 World Conference against A & H Bombs.
Balkrishna Kurvey
Indian Institute for Peace, Disarmament & Environmental Protection
Due to present situation in India and our public education and awareness campaign on gNo More Hiroshima: No More Nagasaki: Peace Exhibitionsh in various cities in India, we could not depute our members for 2002 World Conference Against A & H Bombs. I apologize for our absence in this yearfs conference.
Though physically we are not present but by heart and spirit (CAMI) we are with you.
Please get together for propagating Humanism all over the world. And to eradicate gcraving for power,h from human mind.
From the prevailing Media it has been observed that most of the Super Powers are still determined to monopoly themselves as the superior leaders of the World and to prevent small countries from engaging with financial improvements and to live peacefully. The Super Powers threaten the small countries that they suggest to use possible nuclear weapons, although they claim that it is against the terrorism, but the motive behind is different and it is to demolish the Small countries, when and wherever possible.
Therefore, it is a must to take action against any recurrance of A & H Bombs in future.
Monaey and sex are becoming the religion of modern man. It is very dangerous for human beings. There fore we all should pay our keen attention on that situation.
Our Organisation propose to have formal meetings and seminars pertaining to abolition of Nuclear Weapons and to carry a Peace Movement.
Our Organisation President is a member of Parliament of Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and he will convey a message at the Parliamentary Sessions, at a time of any other business.
War creates in the human mind. We all should understand this Truth. Then only we can reach to the real Peace. If we understand this Truth, then, A & H Bombs will not fall over the world.
We support your notions and offers. We are ready to cooperate to achieve the cause of abolishing nuclear weapons. We want to participate in the World Conference against A & H Bombs, in order to express our protest. You must know, we are in agreement with you. The abolishing nuclear weapons is global problem. Belief in our force helps us to win a victory. We are people. We know how to save ourselves from evil, but some people do not wont to do it. They want destroy themselves. Nuclear war is a conscious suicide. We must fight together. Unity is a pledge of our success. Terrorism mustnft become occasion and reason for using nuclear weapons. If we must, so we can.
Theme is: Social Rehabilitation of the Population Having Suffered from Nuclear Testing.
Testings of nuclear weapons having been done during 40 years on Semipalatinsk and other polygons of Kazakhstan inflicted a complete damage to peoplefs health and environment and caused general morbidity and mortality of the population. In Kazakhstan the law gOn social protection having been suffered as a result of nuclear testing on the Semipalatinsk polygonh was issued in 1992, but up till now there are no effective measures to be taken from the part of the State. It means that Kazakhstan can not do without the assistance of the world community.
We express the support and solidarity to your actions against A and H bombs. We suggest to include into the Resolution of the Conference our demands to abolish nuclear weapons and stop its production and give a special attention for a defense of the victims of nuclear weapons.
We ask for our initiative to develop the World Alliance of victims and to accept the World Law for the defense of the victims from the fund of Nuclear States through UN.
Lukina Tatyana, International Anti-nuclear Movement Nevada-Semipalatinsk
We express the support and solidarity to your actions against A and H Bombs. We Suggest to include into the Resolution of the Conference our demands to abolish nuclear weapons and stop its production and give a special attention for a defense of the victims of nuclear weapons. We ask for our initiative to develop the World Alliance f victims and to accept the World Law for the defense of the victims from the fund of Nuclear States Through UN.
Svitich Tatyana, International Anti-nuclear Movement Nevada-Semipalatinsk
We express the support and solidarity to your actions against A and H Bombs. We suggest to include into the Resolution of the Conference our demands to abolish nuclear weapons and stop its production and give a special attention for a defense of the victims of nuclear weapons. We ask for our initiative to develop the World Alliance of victims and to accept the World Law for the defense of the victims from the fund of Nuclear States Through UN.
Renate Izmailova
Soon again the International Conference against Nuclear and Hydrogen bombs will being at work. In the world the situation varies, but thecalmness till now is not achieved concerning application of the nuclear weapon. Struggle for the denuclearized world demands from us many foces and patiences.
We should continue necessarily struggle and efforts to contribute what to not admit (allow) application of nuclear weapon on earth.
I express the solidarity with you in struggle for the denuclearized world.
I wish all successful work at Conference and health.
Letfs unite our efforts and safeguard a nuclear free future.
Letfs make our governments accountable for their actions.
Letfs make our governments ensure the ecological safety of the world by observing the treaties.
We, the victims of the past, donft want to be the victims of the on-going exposure and are not going to be the victims of the future.
Letfs unite our efforts and safeguard a nuclear free future.
Letfs make our governments accountable for their actions.
Letfs make our governments ensure the ecological safety of the world by observing the treaties.
We, the victims of the past, donft want to be the victims of the on-going exposure and are not going to be the victims of the future.
The studentsf Association and the European Nuclear Test Ban Coalition firmly support the World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs. We strongly express our solidarity with your organizing committee particularly this year because of the Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) by the Bush administration.
The NPR establishes the broad outline of Pentagon planning for US nuclear strategy for the next 10 years and beyond. The NPR would allow the Pentagon to generate new nuclear attack plans. The Bush administrationfs plans call for the US to retain a total stockpile of intact nuclear weapons components that is roughly seven to nine times larger than the publicly stated goal of 1,700 to 2,200. That is inacceptable and the international network ABOLITION 2000 must very strongly react against these American project everywhere in the world.
The ICSCE stopped its activities but personally I will continue to support your goals.
Strong support for the 13 steps for nuclear disarmament from Revition Conferense in New York April 2000. Long live for gbroud fronth cooperation between peace and popular movements.
We must continue our struggle against such weapons. It is a shame for humanity that they are existing and supported by many countries. Nobody can fight against terrorists with nuclear weapons. They are terrorists themselves.
Dear Colleague,
May I, through you, send my best wishes to the participants in the 2002 World Conference against A & H Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. For family reasons, I can be with you only in spirit. The theme of your conference gWorking Togetherh is one that sums up the need of the moment. We must all make added efforts to create a world-wide culture of peace.
As I write this message in late May, there is a mobilization of troops on the India-Pakistan frontier. While I believe that decision-makers in India and Pakistan are fully aware of the danger, there is a need to lower the level of alert and to increase sefeguards against accidental nuclear attacks.
Likewise, the tension between Israel – widely thought to have nuclear weapons – and the Palistinians could spill over to other areas of the Middle East.
Thus we look to the conviction and energy of the peace-minded in Japan to help in developing both short-term and longer-term measures for a Peaceful and Promisins World Without Nuclear Weapons.
Thank you for your annual reminder of the awful events of 1945.
This is not just history. Now at least eight countries have nuclear weapons and nuclear material is certainly in non-state hands.
Worse the United States is abandoning existing treaties and even discussing the use of nuclear weapons. The ruling of the International Court of 1996 has been ignored. No negotiations aimed at the elimination of nuclear weapons are taking place and new systems are being developed.
The message from so many respected people that today the only real security must rest in co-operation, interdependence and the pursuit of justice has not been heard by so many who have political power. So your conference is more important than ever!
Message from West Midlands Campaign for Nuclear Disarmamentto the 2002 World Conference against A & H Bombs
West Midlands Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in the UK sends its greetings to the 2002 Hiroshima and Nagasaki Days International Joint Action.
We are dismayed at the events of the last year and at the disdain shown by President Bush for international arms control treaties and other agreements such as the Kyoto Treaty.
We have campaigned vigorously for our government to take the lead at the Non-Proliferation Treaty Preparatory Committee to ensure that the proposals from the 2000 NPT Review Conference are implemented. We are convinced that lasting peace will come only through international agreements and not through the use of military force.
We have been shocked at reports that the opposition in the Japanese Parliament might be considering acquiring nuclear weapons for Japan and support you wholeheartedly in your efforts to prevent this.
Greetings from Grassington Peace Group, Yorkshire U.K. We applaud your efforts which are more important today than ever they were.
Roger Mackay, Ipswich & District T.U.C
The Ipswich & District Trade Union Council gives full support to the 2002 World Conference against A and H Bombs, to be held 2-9th August in Hiroshima & Nagasaki.
We oppose the so-called ewar against terrorismf begun by the Bush Administration in the USA and backed by the Blair Government in U.K.
We will continue to seek and support those initiatives which aim to unite all peoples of the world against death and disease, poverty, hunger and homelessness—the consequences of war. Good luck to your Conference.
Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Greetings from the Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament at its Annual Hiroshima Commemoration, Merrion Square, Dublin, Ireland, 6th August 2002.
The Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (Irish CND) wishes to congratulate the organisers and participants of the Atomic and Hydrogen Bomb Survivorsf Conference, which is taking place today in the city of Hiroshima, Japan.
On the 29th of May 2001, Irish CND was honoured to welcome four of your participants: Ms Hideko Matsuya, Nagasaki, Ms. Tamiko Nishimoto, Hiroshima and Mr. Shuntaro Hida, Hiroshima, survivors of the atomic bomb attacks—together with Mr. Hiroshi Taka, Secretary General Japan Council against A and H Bombs—to Merrion Square Dublin to lay a wreathe at the Cherry Tree here.
In Irish CNDfs opinion, the attack on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki constituted one of the great war crimes of the 20th century.
It is estimated that the worldfs nuclear powers currently possess the equivalent of g1 million Hiroshimash in their nuclear arsenals. We believe that the threat of nuclear war is greater now than at any time since the end of the Cold War. Your conference could not be more timely.
Irish CND holds that every nuclear bomb is a war crime waiting to happen.
We have asked Irish CND representative and former Chairperson Ms. Carol Fox to present to you the Dove of Peace designed by Irish crafts persons, as a token of our affection and appreciation of your efforts.
The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in Ireland sends its best wishes for the success of the Conference of Atomic and Hydrogen Bomb Survivors.
Beireann Buan Bua! (tr. Perseverance Wins our in the end)
World Rule of Law must be established that will render weapons irrelevant – useless for aggression (scheduled to be defined, and now illegal with the founding of the World Court) and unnecessary for defense. The Nuremberg Principle of individual culpability rather than collective punishment through armies and war is being built through institutions like the ICC.
Economic Sanctions should be imposed on rogue nations that refuse to participate and that militarily intervene in other nations and that insist on maintaining (nuclear) arsenals.
I send my best wishes for a successful 2002 World Conference against A & H Bombs. Every year demands that your meeting take place, that each of us, whether present or not at your Conference, recommits ourselves to create a world in which nuclear weapons have been relegated to a shameful history.
May your Conference move us one step closer to what we all work for, a world of peace.
Alfred L. Marder, President, US Peace Council
We send greetings to those who have gathered for the 2002 World Conference against A & H Bombs. The struggle against the nuclear weapons policies of the United States and their hangers-on, especially in Japan, is reaching a very critical juncture in the long campaign to rid the world of these inhuman weapons.
The withdrawing from the ABM Treaty, the introduction of the Nuclear Posture Review and the sham negotiations on reductions of nuclear weapons with Russia clearly demonstrate the aggressive intentions of President Bush and his Dr. Strangelove administration. The adoption of a pre-emptive strike strategy coupled with the breaking ground of a missile defense program in Alaska further dramatizes the danger posed to the US administration. They seek world domination, economically, militarily and politically.
The peace forces of the world, especially, we in the United States, bear a tremendous responsibility to alert the people, to organize massive grass-rootsfs opposition. Several generations have been born since the tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Several generations who are not as keenly aware of the dangers nuclear weapons pose for all humanity as those who lived those years and have continued in the struggle against the dangers of a nuclear war.
We call, with you, for a heightened campaign against nuclear weapons.
We must not allow any differences to prevent us uniting in common cause.
We must win.
Stanley Campbell, Rockford Peace & Justice Action Committee
We will be commemorating Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day, and we would like to do it in a special way.
We usually have your newsletters on display, and we read from selected articles. We would be most honored if you would send us a letter directly to our organization thanking us fro the many years of hosting a Hiroshima commemoration. Rockford Peace and Justice has been doing this since 1978. We appreciate all that you do, and someday we hope to send a delegate to your convention.
Many blessing upon you, and may we be successful in our work.
Paul Harnel, President, Science for Peace
Science for Peace, a Canadian NGO, urges the Conference to resolutely call for the abolition of nuclear weapons. Leadership from Japan, which alone suffered the unique horror of nuclear war, can once more inspire us all to work in solidarity for our common cause. The witness of Hiroshima and Nagasaki against war and for peace and justice is what our world caught up in the vicious spiral of war, terrorism, and injustice needs. All good wishes for the success of the Conference.
I send heartfelt wishes and prayers that the 2002 World Conference against A & H Bombs make plain the utter abhorrence of citizens worldwide to nuclear weapons. May the voice of the Hibakusha powerfully remind governments and people that nuclear weapons must be abolished for the sake of humanity! Peace movements all over the world need your witness to renew their vision and stire them to new actions. Tell the world that terrorism cannot be brought to an end by mere violence. Only justice, and addressing the seedbeds of terrorism—poverty, oppression, racism, simmering conflict—can build a secure future for the whole world.
Regional and International Organizations
The draconian forces for globalisation is gaining more power. NATO has been revived to terrorise the world at large and capitalist forces are allowed to plunder the entire universe. Peace has become the greatest casualty.
Peoplesf power must emerge. The voice of Peace must be audible enough. The cry for Peace should come as a bang. Students and youth should be motivated to work for a nuclear free world.
Josephina Fraga Ribeiro and Konstantin A. Volkov, United Nations and Related Agencies Staff Movement (UN SMDP)
In this world, marked by political and economic hypocrisy and corruption, as well as by globalization methods beneficial to a small minority of humankind, the anniversary of the barbarian atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki calls all the inhabitants of our gravely suffering planet to active international solidarity for nuclear disarmament and peace.
Thanassis Pafilis, World Peace Council
On behalf of the World Peace Council I would like to wish every success to your conference, which for decades stands for a militant commitment of the Japanese and international peace movement for the abolition of nuclear weapons.
Peace movements and, indeed, the world are today facing a grave situation. The U.S.A following a strategy of nuclear threat and domination is promoting the development of new nuclear weapons, in conjunction with a strike strategy against countries that the Bush administration has labeled as the gaxis of evilh.
The elimination of nuclear weapons remains one of the first priorities of WPC activities. The developments in peace and social movements worldwide can and will lead to the elimination of nuclear weapons as well as Chemical and Biological weapons.